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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trump Silent Majority


  1. There will be a mountain of silence in November. Except for all the crying liberals. Just like 2016. Bawwww, waaaah,

  2. Can Liberal tears be distilled to make the kool-aid they drink?
    In a bottle, 2016 tears will one day fetch a fortune.

  3. I don't think we're very silent!

  4. Your vote doesn't count but you go right ahead and think it does, and I think it is laughable that you think trump is helping you!!! He hasn't done jack shit to help this country yet, no swamp drained yet not even started draining it yet... I have yet to see anyone go to jail, and you can't say the economy is good when 90% of you fools closed your business and half are closed for good!!! He hasn't done what he promised to do back in 2016 where he said within 100 days he would put forth and push for lax gun laws, nope nothing... He says he has the authority but refuses to use it to open businesses back up in the whole country, we still have debt, and even more now than before with the bail out package, they gave us 1200 bucks we will have to pay back so really what good has he done????

    1. 11:48 Wow what I’m uneducated rant 😂 May I suggest you do some research on everything you ranted about. Try and better yourself sweetie you sound ignorant🤷‍♀️ Sigh you can’t fix stupid tho can you?

    2. WOW. What a delusional load of CRAP. Manufacturing coming back for one. Obama said you would need a magic wand. I GUESS TRUMP IS MAGIC. Go away moron. Your argument makes you look DUMBER than BIDEN. CHINA isn't a problem. LMAO

    3. Lordy Day darling. The President doesn't have that much power. Go back to civics class. This country is in so much trouble.

  5. I really hope this is accurate!
    We could take the house back and send Nancy packing!
    Then, we'll get to select Ruthy's replacement...along with a bunch more constitutionalist judges.
    Next, reciprocal open carry at the federal level and get rid of the rest of turdly's legacy!

    Can we put some of them in jail!???

  6. Unless Something happens to Biden. Or Trump is replaced with a more sensible choice like a Nicki Haley.
    Biden will win in a landslide much like Reagan beat Carter. And take the Senate also.

    1. 11:49 Anyone that would vote for Biden has a mental disorder.

    2. I don’t know you, but I'm still concerned. Are you using the proper meds that was prescribed? If so you need to stop watching the fake agendas. Feel better.

    3. 11:49 - now THAT was funny! Biden can hardly string three words together! Trumps supporters are solid, and the dem base (anyone but a Trump) is solid. The question now is the same one from 2016 - who will the independents vote for? Given that Trumps Florida Rally had so many people there (how many were at the last Biden rally?) I think it’s a pretty safe bet the dems will loose again. What will the dems do then? Riot?

    4. Are you serious right now? Have you listened to Biden lately? I also watch all debates both sides. I try my best to do my homework. The best the Democrats have is senile Biden? Then we are in trouble, he is a pawn. You all better watch for his Vice President pick. That is who will be running the country.

  7. 11:48 is a very good example of the kool-aid drinker, except he us using a kool-aid bong.
    Trump did not close the economy. You guys did. He was willing to go 3 weeks and your blue states kept them closed. He followed the constitution and let the governor's run their states. He never wanted to close the economy. The swamp has attacked him constantly. If you haven't noticed 11:48, a big chunk of the swamp is going down while we speak. 11:48, you are probably a loser and hates working, so no matter how good the economy gets you will never know from Mom's basement. 11:48 is the problem with his brethren.

  8. Keep dreaming 11:49, biden won't get 35% of the popular votes

  9. TRUMP 2020 baby ,all the way !!! Drain the swamp MAGA !!!

  10. 11:49 I've heard that same exact dribble in 2016. All the polls said Hillary was going to win. Blah blah blah blah blah. Maybe BIDEN can get a fireworks barge as well??

  11. Take nothing for granted. Get out and vote. Get your friends out to vote. Massive vote fraud can be expected from the democrats this year. It will be closer than you think.

    1. 1:35
      You believe there will be vote fraud, so you are encouraging me to vote.

      Get a clue: Listen to yourself!

  12. This is perfect because most of you are dense, thick and cold.

  13. 11:48 (2) I sooo hope you are wrong!
    This country will be destroyed by the likes of the candidates that the left has on the ballots!

  14. Let me peeve a few nut jobs off. I will go as far to say your left wing friends will not tell you but they are going to vote Trump. There have been many of them that have been on The Trump Train for the beginning. They don’t tell you because you are so far out there you don’t listen. Glad you didn’t see the fat one break her glass ceiling or we would probably be in gitmo .

  15. Good news for silent Trump fans. When he gets re-elected...look out liberals, thugs and anti law protesters. He won’t have to worry about being re-elected.

    1. 5:08 - I like the way you're thinking

  16. Will not be donating anymore to the campaign after the complete and total con job of police reform. I will vote Trump but not happy with this decision

  17. Many Democrats who have been negatively impacted by the rioters and looters may realize that Uncle Joe isn’t a wise choice for President.


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