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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

This is When the Second Wave of Coronavirus Will Hit, Doctor Warns

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on both the health and the wealth of our country. Due to shelter-in-place orders across America, the unemployment rate skyrocketed and we are currently in the midst of an economic recession. In hopes of repairing the financial damage as quickly as possible, many states started reopening sooner than health officials would have hoped. As people across the country are flocking to beaches, restaurants, parks, shopping centers, and gyms, the numbers of infections are slowly started to pick up speed once again—something Onyema Ogbuagu, MD, a Yale Medicine Infectious disease doctor and associate professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine, is extremely concerned about.

"Weeks, Possibly Months…."

According to Dr. Ogbuagu, while it's hard to predict for certain when we will experience a second wave or peak of the virus, it will likely be sooner than you think. "With the reopening of more states, recent large scale demonstrations, even where masks were used but physical distancing was harder to follow, all portend another resurgence soon," he explains to Eat This, Not That! Health. This could happen as soon as in the coming weeks or possibly months, "given the lag time between infection, development of symptoms and subsequent hospitalization rates, which is the more 'visible' indicator of widespread community incidence," he adds, pointing to the recent increased incidence of COVID 19 in more than a dozen states supporting these concerns.



  1. Bo Jiden here, second wave huh. I sometimes hmm uhhh wave three times. I rode uhh hmmm a wave once. Yep. Back in dela, dela delasomewhere, man we need waves . Ya won't uhhh errr get sick though, no, no. This is a uhhh uhhh fake wave..yeah this is uhhh uhh a political uhhh hmmm cheat by mail wave. C'mon man, we don't need uhhh mmm Orange man out there uhhh campaigning, I mean uhhh spreading, uhhh hmm virus. I spread once. Yep peanut butt and uhhh hmmm jelly. No bread though. So vote for me, my fake virus and ummm oh yeah peanutbutter

    1. Been a good day Bo Jiden. Good day indeed!!!

  2. It’s a hoax designed to effect the election

    1. To get higher results just test more. Eventually everyone will test positive if they are tested. I won't be getting tested unless I'm on my death bed. Then give me the drug Trump used.

  3. Oh it's coming and when it does WATCH the Dems try and shut it down again and if it does the Economy WILL COLLAPSE.

    1. Econ has collapsed....it takes time to feel the repercussions. Plus we r still in the infancy stages. Wait until schools open (or whatever it will be (grade school and colleges)...followed by entertainment and the lack of fans (equates to $$$$$$). Then the holidays....

      Infancy indeed.

  4. We don’t believe any of it anymore.

    1. I never did believe the scare tactic propaganda, just another flu in disguise. Oh did we skip the real flu season last winter. Never heard anything about it all.

  5. Something tells me the second wave will hit right about mid October.

    It will be called the Corona October surprise.

  6. Democrats and media pushed the riots and said nothing about COVID-19. I don’t believe them anymore and I don’t care about spikes or a mask. Hogan is a Rino but our best option unfortunately.

  7. Expect the second wave to arrive a few weeks before election day. You could write those fake news stories today because they are so predictable.

    1. Whatever, I will still be voting for the same crowd then as I would today. Trump/Pence 2020!

  8. Hogan will be right on that band wagon, expect a shutdown yet again.

  9. We won't fall for this hoax again.

  10. It’s the late October corona surprise. Mark it!

  11. Coronavirus will be with us until after November 3rd. I predict it will go away then. Of course China is having more problems with it now. They know if the Dems win they can start screwing The United States again.


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