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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

That's My President!


  1. Do they, cops run in to danger to save lives really???? How about that school shooting that coward cop ran from and let kids get shot while he hid in the safe space corner!!!! or how about that POS cop who just stood there and watched Floyd get murdered??? How about those cops shooting people in the face at point blank range during protests??? Yeah cops are real hero's!!!! All you have to do is have a camera out, and you will see quick fast and a hurry how cops are hero's!!!

    1. Unfortunately when you have this automatic prejudice against them there is no changing your mind. Sure there are cops that aren’t fit for the job, but there are plenty that go above and beyond to protect, but you won’t see that because your blinded by unfounded prejudice just like countless others out there.

    2. As my president said there are a tiny few bad ones. Same as in your profession, occupation or unemployment line, there a a few. You don’t mention the video you have seen many times reference cops pulling citizens out of burning cars, cops saving someone from harm, cops buying a meal for the hunger or even helping animals. You get my drift or maybe not because it’s positive.

    3. Are you serious right now? So you want to take a hand full of bad cops and make all cops bad?! For as many examples you give, there are examples of good cops. How about we deal with the bad ones. Not punish everyone. You can't say all cops are bad. I do not agree with what happened to Floyd, but he wasn't exactly living his life right either. How about we all take responsibility for our actions. This is a hot mess going on right now. We are literally on a brink of a civil war. We are going backwards, Meanwhile China is acting up, Russia is acting up, Korea is acting up! Wake up people. Stop being so selfish. It is like saying all hairdresser are terrible, close all salon's cause a couple suck at cutting hair. So many people are being used right now, they don't even know it.

    4. Pull your head out of your ass

  2. I’m still stuck on yesterday’s post that correctly stated just how many cops and unions support Democratics. I say they are getting exactly what their paid for.

  3. Like the blacks, so called good cops brought this on themselves. There are more than a few bad ones and yes right here on the shore. Good cops turn their head to the bad ones, even the investigators and commanders look the other way and cover it up. When their corruption is reveled in a court room they are simply transferred to another county. Now ALL look bad, all are being shunned. Stop letting it slide, stand honorable, make official statements on these criminals with badges.
    Stop the corruption in your own units.


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