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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Seattle Has Fallen: City Council And ANTIFA Join Forces

(Gateway Pundit) – Protesters and rioters have been allowed into Seattle’s City Hall after Councilwoman Kshama Sawant used her key to unlock the building and allow them inside.

Sawant has been calling on Mayor Jenny Durkan to resign over “violence and brutality” by police in the city’s response to the “overwhelmingly peaceful” riots they have seen in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Protesters poured into the building chanting for the mayor’s removal and were met with a speaker from the Socialist Alternative party.

Sawant herself also spoke to the mob, calling her colleagues “sellouts” and “corporate politicians.”



  1. Hahaha. I hope they burn the place to the ground, then they'll see what they have unleashed. Burn baby burn. Hahaha.

  2. Pandora's box
    So it begins this will take alot of popcorn

  3. What in the hell is wrong with our so called leaders? They are complete idiots and at some point the right is going to rise up and confront these nut jobs on the left. They stand for everything that is wrong with this country and they need to get the hell out. It is an absolute disgrace with what is happening and with so many liberals being brain washed starting both at home, in college and through example. With me being born in 1937 I never in my life saw such crap that is going on now. Yes the killing of George Floyd was a terrible and the cop that did it should be given the same treatment and when he says he can't breath say very simply tough shit. It is less than 1% of the cops are bad apples and the left wants to ban all police officers. Sad!!!!!

  4. Rubber bullets my butt. She is so special, needs that key shoved up her ass and after tear gassing the inside of that building she can run out with the other scum. Time to tske control of this crap.

  5. Good Democrat stronghold cities must live with the results of voting stupidly.

  6. Seattle has been a communist and corrupt city for years , they have been controlled by Antifa . The police have been under control of the far left for many years so it doesn't surprise me at all.
    We shall see what happens to the city under Antifa control , interesting solution to a communist problem.

  7. Watch out Boeing.

  8. Peoples property have been HIJACKED and they are EXTORTING BUSINESS OWNERS FOR $.

  9. Trump send in the Tanks.

  10. NWW - WTH is going on?

  11. Democrat politicians are part of the insurrection who else would allow it

  12. Antics is telling business owners pay up or else.

  13. Well chalk that up to a loss. Let them have it and when everything goes to hell she can cry all she wants from her throne.

    1. Give the whole state and be done with it.

  14. Any council members should be imprisoned for life or hung by the neck until dead.

  15. So, hour about dusting off the sedition laws?

  16. Hopefully the majority of the American people will become disgusted with the actions and behavior of the democrats. When one looks objectively and honestly at Democrat Party leadership and its supporters for the last 150 years what have they provided?
    1. Hate for the Nation.
    2. Supported Slavery
    3. Established and supported the KKK.
    4. Caused a majority of blacks to become dependent on govern-
    ment for their existence, thus destroying dignity, self-worth and
    5. Continue to promote identity politics in lieu of trying to unify
    Country by identifying all citizens as American.

    I could go on, but hopefully some of readers of these comments will get the point.

  17. Brings back memories of the BLACK PANTHERS take over the San Francisco capitol building by force, with weapons, in the 60's.

    I wrote a comment on this before this take over and it was never published by sbynews.

    What CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!

  18. Let's use the FEC for 2020 election on cities were they can't vote and this destroy the democratic party control area's.

  19. Queue the militia.

  20. Understand that this is how nations fall? First it is just one city. But soon, it proves that other cities are just as vulnerable and susceptible this type of hostile takeover. Then before you know it, we are facing a true totalitarian government where you lose your life and condemn your family to death for going against the powers that be. These folks are truly taking a page out Hitler's rise to power. It is truly no different. Becoming the monsters that they claim to hate.

  21. Just look at Europe with their no go zones..


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