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Thursday, June 11, 2020

San Jose police fire rubber bullets at own racial bias trainer during protest, maiming his testicle

A black community activist who trained San Jose police recruits on implicit bias for three years was shot in a testicle by a rubber bullet during a recent protest, prompting the city's mayor to say that more needs to be done to confront police brutality — but that defunding police will only undermine those efforts.

Derrick Sanderlin, a 27-year-old community organizer, suffered potentially permanent injuries by a rubber bullet at a May 29 protest demonstration, the mayor’s office said in a press release Monday.

Sanderlin, who knows San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia personally, said he was disheartened to see how officers were treating protesters. Video captured by KABC-TV’s news helicopter overhead purportedly showed the moments an officer fired a riot gun at Sanderlin, who had approached with his hands up.

"I really just couldn't watch it anymore," Sanderlin said. "And just kind of made like a parallel walkover, put my hands up, and just stood in the line of the fire and asked them to please not do this."

"I pause for a moment like maybe this isn't, maybe this doesn't hurt and falling afterwards is like the most painful experience," he said.



  1. When you attend one of these protests you are playing with fire. When you play with fire any prudent person knows there is the very real chance of getting burned. In all the mayhem police can't tell who is who Let this be a lesson to this dope don't play with fire and you will not get burned. I have zero sympathy and am actually pleased to hear he now hopefully will have a life long reminded of his own ignorance.

    1. He already has a life long reminder of an unjust system- his skin color.

  2. All I can say is OUCH

  3. Hey, get outta the way numbnuts. Hahaha!

  4. Shot in the family jewels - ouch!

    Feel your pain!

  5. Not a bad outcome to be in that mess and come out with only your mess wounded. Police had better start using lead in that blue steel.

  6. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  7. HMMMM non lethal force being used to STERILIZE lol! Sounds like a great idea! Biden suggested shooting them in the leg, they just had bad aim!!!!!

  8. That will reduce his herd of newborn future thugs by 50%

  9. What we need in Ocean City

    shotguns with rubber bullets

  10. Well, he is not crazy anyway. He can’t be called “nuts.”

  11. Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t.


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