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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Police: Suspect Who Allegedly Shoved 92-Year-Old To The Street Has Been Arrested About 65 Times

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – The NYPD has a suspect in custody, caught on camera assaulting an elderly woman in Gramercy Park.

It’s not his first arrest. Police say he’s been arrested dozens of times before on a slew of charges.

CBS2’s Jenna DeAngelis spoke to the victim.

The disturbing assault was caught on surveillance video. A 92-year-old woman was walking on Third Avenue when for no apparent reason a man pushes her. She hits her head on a fire hydrant on her way to the ground.



  1. Rudy would have had him stored in a facility and the lady could have walked home without incident

  2. Now if the cops shot that POS what would happen?? All the looting and destruction over another THUG. BRILLIANT.

  3. I guess her life doesn't matter to him. Odd.

  4. Cut the head off the snake.

  5. Over 100 arrests, or about 65, either is too many. This episode should put him away for felony assault with intent, premeditation and willful disregard, assault of a person over 60, assault of a disabled person, and maybe a hate crime (white, female, elderly, assumed of a particular religion.)
    The AH is obviously mentally unbalanced and a danger to society. He's probably off his psych medications, is self medicating with street drugs, and is in need of intensive and extended inpatient mental health treatment. This won't happen. He'll be warehoused in general prison population, where he'll get his daily meds and spit them into a flowerpot in the yard, see a state contracted psychiatrist for 3 minutes every month, an overwhelmed and underpaid social worker for 15 minutes every two weeks, a bored nurse twice a day and become a bride to someone larger and even more unbalanced.
    Then he'll get out, hook up with his old ways, old neighborhood , old acquaintances, his mental stability likely worse than it was pre-confinement, still a danger to self and others.

    Prisons have become the substitutes for real mental health care. This was and is unacceptable.

    1. 11:59
      Thank you for the summary.
      You write like his doctor, so I hope you didn’t violate any HIPAA rules by telling us so much about his health and drug usage?

      Take care and thanks again

  6. There are lots more like him in every big city.

  7. I heard the clown was arrested 104 times and 6 more since he was Covid-19 released from prison.

  8. And this would be a surprise, Salisbury is nothing but repeat offenders, we have child predators who have lived next door to churches, schools for years. The police led by Duncan have the same calls to the same houses with no arrests over and over. They have records and get free assistance on everything and never pay rent and live in condemned homes, boarded up homes, Foreclosed homes the same ones over and over---you can thank the slumlords, our Mayor, Duncan, and the Salisbury City Council.


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