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Monday, June 22, 2020

Plane with ‘Defund NASCAR,’ Confederate Flag Banner Flies Above Talladega Superspeedway

TALLADEGA, Alabama — It has been a little more than a week since NASCAR instituted a ban on Confederate flags at its facilities.

That has led to at least one person publicly expressing their frustration before the now-postponed GEICO 500 at the Talladega Superspeedway.



  1. Hey look it’s the Clinton/ Gore flag when they ran

  2. Good! Wonder why we haven't seen this anywhere else(sarc)...smh

  3. Time to FIGHT BACK.

  4. This stuff is never going to end.

  5. NASCAR seems to be doing a fairly good job of defunding itself, if you ask me.

  6. Good to see it ! Nascar is stupid . Their fan base isnt thugs, rappers and gangsters

  7. Expression - it is part of America.

  8. I love it!!

    Once again the leftie commies are infiltrating an American tradition and trying to destroy it, just like the boy scouts, Church, marriage etc.


  9. Asking seriously. Couldn't a case be made that the Rebel flag is a cultural symbol with as much right to be seen as Kente cloth, or other ethnic symbols?

    Don't have one; never did. Just stepping back and looking objectively.

    1. I agree with you, but they have been slowly losing this fight for years.


  11. We all NEED to do exactly what the left us doing....BOYCOTT! We need to boycott ANY business' that are caving to this crap. Thongs will ONLY change if we're willing to start doing what the left is doing!

  12. This is one of the most awesome displays of courage I have ever seen. Thanks be to God!

  13. Politics does not have a place in any sporting event. I no longer support any sport that allows disrespecting the US FLAG and now NASCAR by violating our 1st amendment right. NASCAR will not tell me to forget US history but I will tell them to forget my money and support.

    I thought RICHARD PETTY was one of the greatest behind Dale Sr. Now I have no respect for RICHARD PETTY.

    1. Psst 1st amendment comes into play when the govt is involved....not private Industry. However with private Industry if you can show cause.....aka discrimination...well then. Remember age and sex are included with discrimination cases

  14. If you don’t stand up for what you believe in we will be communist USA soon.

  15. Sounds harmless now, but slowly as the heats turned up for the next un sanctified luciferian principle that will be shoved our throats next...wake up B4 its to late... before you will gladly except that mark? They have prep these attitudes before. It was when they marched the sheep to the ovens and utter silence from those who knew better..as to what was going on!

  16. Now his mother is saying other drivers called him the N word. These freaking blacks are some lowlife lying POS. This day and age?? BLACKS are the RACIST'S.

  17. 159 Now you are finally on the same page as so many folks like myself. The stars are bars ARE a cultural symbol and we should all acknoweldge that. Flying that flag says that you celebrate ideals that are 100% anti-american, go against the US Constitution, and you celebrate those who took up arms against the US. So fly it as will and be called out as a racist anti-american dum dum just as you deserve.

    Get it through your thick skulls people. You may as well be flying an ISIS flag.

    1. Awe you bleeding heart libutard. It's part of our heritage. It's our history. But you're too stupid to realize. Your friends aren't stopping there tree hugger. They are going after Washington. Grant. Columbus. Lincoln. So what's your onsite to that?? Is that like flying an ISIS FLAG?? MORON.

  18. Blacks definitely the biggest racists of all.....far more than whites.

  19. Great Idea !!!! Love it Keep up the Good work , do it in O.C MD !!!

  20. Ocean City Airshow in action !!!! LOL

  21. LOL way too funny FBI just said the so called rope was a garage door pull down rope the has been there for over a year. Way to jump to conclusions NASCAR.


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