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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Ocean City Police Charge Robbery Suspect

OCEAN CITY, MD – (June 16, 2020): On June 9, 2020, at 4:06 a.m. Ocean City police officers responded to an assault and robbery which occurred near 7th Street and Philadelphia Ave. The victim, a 21-year-old male, told police that he had just been robbed and assaulted.

Ocean City police officers and detectives completed an extensive investigation and were able to identify the suspect as Isaiah Foster, 20, of Cambridge, MD. An arrest warrant was issued for Foster.

On June 14, 2020, officers were monitoring a disorderly group near 9th Street and the boardwalk. While watching the group, an officer observed Foster in the area. As several officer’s approached Foster, he attempted to run, however, he was quickly taken into custody without incident.

Foster has been charged with robbery, theft of $100 to $1500, and second-degree assault. Foster was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and transferred to the Worcester County Jail where he is being held without bond.


  1. Surprised when I saw the photo. I was expecting someone else.

  2. 3 hots and a cot for this scumbag!

  3. Aaahhh the Maryland public school system, especially the eastern shore should be SOOO proud watching all their alumni destroying ocean city businesses the last few days

  4. "senior" week?
    Guess he failed a couple of grades

    1. Sooooo only seniors from high school go to OC in June?

    2. Yes...where u been

  5. Another upstanding pillar of the community falls prey to law and order. 🤪

  6. Thank you to the Md District Court Comm. for placing him in a no bond status. I hope it stays without bond until his court hearings and verdict. Too many time people are set free to repeat the same offense.

  7. Where are the REST ? no tokens.

  8. Unappeasable.No need to even try.

  9. He was gonna be a doctor.

  10. Thugs love Bubba!

  11. Cambridge MD says it all.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: My god, we all know what the problem is and the principal participants. Easily identified and then isolated. Jeeez, you have to do something because it gets worse day by day. You are going to end up huddled in some corner of your residence afraid to go outside because of the tribal marauders roaming the streets looking for victims. Get ready for it as the path you are taking makes it inevitable. Just keep appeasing them and they will increase their demands and want more concessions. Refute my comment if you can.

  13. I am so surprised....

  14. So I'm betting was a.....Oh, it Was a BLACK guy? Hey, I thought THEY were supposed to be the VICTIMS...I must not have gotten the memo!

  15. He a goo boy jus tryn to turn he life aroun

  16. This budding rap star keeps doing the same crap over and over. lock him up before he kills somebody

  17. Look this pillar of society up on case search. He was charged with theft 3 days earlier and let out on his own recognizance. He steals again. He was also caught doing almost 80 mph in a 55 while having no license/suspended license. At what point will they actually lock him up? Are they waiting for him to kill someone? How many chances to they have to be given. Apparently it's not working! Lock them up and make it uncomfortable to be locked up so they won't want to go back.

    1. Just developing his street cred! Cut him a deal. When he graduates from the sixth grade he’ll be ready to assume his place in society.


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