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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

NYC to CUT funds from the NYPD's $6 billion budget and redistribute it to social services and youth programming he announces

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that funds from the NYPD's $6billion budget would be cut and diverted to social services following 10 night of protests.

On Sunday, de Blasio revealed that money from the city's police force would be invested into youth programs and social services within for minority communities.

'We need to do a lot more for our young people,' de Blasio, 59, said during a press briefing.

'We will be moving funding from the NYPD to youth initiatives and social services. I want people to understand we are committed to shifting resources to ensure the focus is on our young people.



  1. wonder if any of those funds come from the federal gov? and must be used for police?

  2. All Politian's security should end ASAP. Then without their security then their homes and wealth will be lost and they will be doing the Democrat moto used by OBAMA. "SPREAD THE WEALTH" Then the gangs and drug dealers will be wide open.

  3. Save your federal taxes which are given to these left wing commicrats

  4. Not a solution only a reaction to a situation.

  5. LOL and the imbeciles are falling for this-Again. The communities will hardly see a dime. The money will end up going to politically connected city contractors. All the minorities will get is murders and other crimes like they never seen in their lives. Chicago 20 plus murders last week end. Police didn't police so black lives don't matter had a field day popping each other off.

  6. Well, that money's as good as lost! If 15% actually goes into ANYTHING having anything to do with "youth progrms" or "social services" I'll be shocked. They still haven't been able to find where ANY of the 700 MILLION dollars went from the last Youth services program went, that DeBlasio's WIFE was in charge of! Welcome to tje S#%t show!

  7. Careful what you ask forJune 9, 2020 at 10:56 AM

    It takes a village...

    Full of liberal idiots

  8. 10:09 I found their FY19 report with a quick google search. $52,657,000 in federal funding. Their budget was 5,579,700,000

  9. 10:27 and I'll save my federal tax dollars spent on red state schoolbooks that say God snapped his fingers and evolution isn't real.

    1. Please do, they are pretty much loaded with racism and communism. Home school your children folks, because you love them. If not the socialist, sexually sock public schools will by sending demented transgengers to love them for you

  10. Private prisons are going to hate this. Actually helping people, reforming troubled youth? How are they going to profit from a career criminal if they get help before they become one?

  11. So if you are a woman with your husband smacking you around do you call a social worker to pull him off or a kid from a youth program? Just wondering, because I don’t live there. I’m in the swamp, no not DC, but “Bury”

    1. 11:18 Hey man, you need to start coming to the meetings. I'm only gonna tell ya this one time...Pay attention: If its a woman being beaten by a man, who's NOT her husband, she can call either group, on ANY day that ends with a "Y". All other domestic issues, you'll need to reach a "Youth services" representative between the hours of 11:46am and 1:54pm the 3rd Thursday of every other month, unless that month has a National Holiday. Hey man, this ain't rocket science! Now, how hard is that?

  12. Just like in Baltimore when the President took to task that lying old fart Cummings who all the blacks think was so wonderful He was far far from wonderful. He was a criminal. A money funneller for Baltimore's well politically connected. For every $100,000 supposedly spent on the communities you can bet they only see 10 percent or less. A small example was the now convicted former mayor of Baltimore. The U of MD Medical Center which many minorities rely on for medical care she was funneled government money from them. She authored a stupid book, had the U of Md buy her books for inflated prices. The books sat in a warehouse never to see the light of day by anyone but LE when they investigated her crimes. This is what goes on in these democrat run cities day in and day out and Cummings was a huge part of it in Baltimore. His legacy is only that of being a criminal.

  13. I hope the Attorney General of the United States is watching and taking names on the reduction of funding to police departments.
    There is a fed regulation that will hold officials accountable if they start
    Supplanting is when they receive federal grant funds for a police dept. and start reducing what the state , county or city government is spending for the police such as salaries . At the least they have to refund the fed dollars plus even a fine
    So lets watch and see how this dumb stuff plays out
    Can't fix stupid

  14. NYC is broke. They don't have any money for anything. Especially since President Trump isn't going to bail them out.

  15. Thank you for calling 911.
    We will be sending thoughts and prayers to you shortly...

  16. 11:37 Yes there are strings attached to federal funds but for too long the strings have not been enforced. I doubt they ever have been. This is why the country needs 4 more years. The swamp is deep and the corruption is rampant among democrat politicians especially the ones in the inner cities. There isn't one who is an honest person in inner cities politics.

  17. Just get rid of all the cops and let the people defend their self, family, and property with guns. Give the citizens of Maryland CCW permits and just watch how crime drops.

  18. I've got the feeling most of you commenting here have little clue about the specifics of whats going on. Example: proposals in NY call for anywhere from 3% or LESS cuts to police funding. Hardly a destruction of a department. lol

  19. Sure...right...it will go to youth programs...BS..smh. Who in their right mind wants to go to NYC? Do you think he knows logical people are LTAO at him and his shthole of a city?...smh...mho

  20. Wrong on so many levels.

  21. Oh hell - now most of New York will be moving to Florida. Please get rid of DeBlazio. Florida is Happy without New Yorkers.


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