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Monday, June 01, 2020

NBA Writer Cheers Mob for Burning Affordable Housing Development, Calls Them ‘Animals’ When They Come to His Neighborhood

A former ESPN writer is being called a hypocrite for urging rioters to burn down the inner city, then chastising them when they attacked his neighborhood.

On Thursday, the former ESPN basketball reporter, Chris Palmer, was seen gleefully posting about the confrontations occurring in Minneapolis by rioters claiming to be infuriated by the police-involved death of George Floyd. At one point, Palmer posted a tweet featuring a burning building that he captioned, “Burn that sh*t down. Burn it all down.”

But just over two days later, early on Sunday morning, Palmer posted a tweet excoriating the rioters for attacking a “gated community” near where he lived.

“They just attacked our sister community down the street,” Palmer wrote just after midnight on Sunday. “It’s a gated community and they tried to climb the gates. They had to beat them back. Then destroyed a Starbucks and are now in front of my building.”

Then came the hypocrisy: “Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood. Go back to where you live.”



  1. How you like it now sucka!

  2. LOL typical woke virtue signaling piece of crap. Encouraging, laughing and cheering blacks on to completely destroy their own neighborhoods but don't get anywhere near his nice neighborhood. He needs a sign outside his house NO Blacks Allowed because that's how he really feels though he claims otherwise

  3. People will lose their mind when the jury can’t reach a decision. Based on science his neck wasn’t injured, cocaine raging in system, heart condition and high blood pressure. He will never be convicted of murder. 50/50 on manslaughter. Second autopsy is paid for by Non profit out of California. Media doctor.

  4. Oh its OK as long as it's somewhere else but bring it to this idiots neighborhood and he doesn't like it. Typical!!

  5. NBA just another RACIST thug organization. NFL is soon to follow. Who watches the NBA?? FOOL'S!!

  6. Maybe they'll go out to "Hidden Hills and Calabasas tonight." That should shut up the rest of the Hollywood Crowd. Instead of stealing those Birken bags from the store go on over to the Kardashian's house. They have closets full of them. And they are just disgusted with society for how blacks are portrayed.

  7. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


  8. Due to the finding of Fentanyl, he might have died from that drug without the cops ever laying eyes on him. Conjecture, but entirely plausible.

  9. Oh the shoe on the other foot ?

  10. Just like illegal immigrants. They want them all to come over, but none will open their 500-room mansion from their second summer home to house them.


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