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Saturday, June 06, 2020

National Guard Members Look for Place to Stay After DC Mayor Kicks Them Out of Hotel

Members of the National Guard on Friday were looking for a new place to stay, after D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered that they leave the hotel they were staying at, according to an official.

The city had taken over the Marriott Marquis in downtown Washington, D.C. to use for the National Guard’s coronavirus response mission, but many rooms remained vacant, so National Guard members deploying to D.C. as part of the civil unrest mission began staying there.

Bowser did not like the idea that Guardsmen from out of state were staying at the hotel, so she ordered the more than 1,000 members to leave.

National Guard members who worked the night shift now are looking for a new place to stay instead of getting rest before their next shift, the official told Breitbart News.

The National Guard said in a statement:

Some National Guard responders were quartering in hotel accommodations which had preexisting contractual agreements with the District. Out of respect for existing agreements those facilities have with the city government, those service members have relocated. For further information, please contact city government.



  1. She should be "KICKED OUT" of office then !!!

  2. Proof that far leftists want a war with the general populouation. It won't be pretty.

  3. Some of you can't read past the 2nd Ammendment. Take a look at the 3rd!

  4. Yup, war is very close ...smh..mho

  5. Yes I'm sure this is exactly how it happened, because we can always trust what a politician and breitbart say

  6. Obama is behind this childish game. He hated Police and the military even more.

  7. I'm sure Barry around the corner can house many.

    (Snicker snicker)

  8. So, it's okay for the Guard to enforce social distancing and masks and closing down honest businesses robbing honest citizens of their only means of feeding their families, but not to let the Guard stop rioting, looting and burning down of those same peoples' homes and businesses.
    It's an Orange Man Bad thing, or TDS. That's it in a nutshell.

  9. She is so typical.

  10. She didn't have the authority to remove them from a privately owned facility. The Guard commander was being gracious, which is more than the mayor deserved. Good for him.


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