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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Luongo: The US Is In Civil War (And Why Berman's Firing Matters)

The U.S. is in a Civil War. It began four years ago after Donald Trump’s election and has finally boiled over into open warfare here in 2020.

From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.

Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.

And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.

The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.

But I feel this is far deeper than that, and likely has to do with knowing that Trump has pieces in place post-Jeffrey Epstein raid/murder to upset the Deep State’s apple cart.

And that brings me to why I’m interested in Hungary again.

I haven’t spoken much about Hungary in recent months but maybe I should have been. For me the two big stories of the week are:

1) Trump explicitly going after the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the removal of U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman.

2) The European Court of Justice striking down Hungary’s Anti-NGO law which targets George Soros’ ability to fund revolutionary groups within Hungary.



  1. Wait till they loose again 2020....lol

  2. I hope Everyone reads this and passes it on.

  3. It's pretty amazing how corrupt entities in government are. How defiant and disrespectful they are to President Trump their boss. If any of us did this to our boss. We'd be fired immediately.

    1. 6:43
      Their bosses own the Federal Reserve Bank.
      When one prints the money, one is the boss.

  4. Have any of you read dark majesty or hidden dangers of the rainbow yet?..it would help you understand how long this has actually been going on, why and by who.

  5. The deep state crooked politicians and friends will be exposed after November. President Trump will not be eligible for a third term and is going to kick some asses that have been needing it for a long time.

  6. 643 - thats the astonishing part. We did our nation decide it was ok to be disrespectful to their leadership? Hell, its funneled down to be disrespectful everywhere to include schools.

    Internet and damn cell phones in the early 1990's?

    When did treat your fellow man with dignity and respect fly out the window? Now we have those those who follow rather than lead become the accepted when they act out in defiance because they have zero common sense.

    Or then scream what about me and where is mine?

    Geez oh flip.

  7. There IS a civil war coming.

    They keep pushing for it.

    Itchin' for a switchin' was how my mom described it.

    It never ended well.

    Keep cheering.

  8. Lack of leadership and oversight over the years led to this.

  9. Great article. Black people, white people....wake up!

  10. Democrats are truly an insurgency upon the laws, borders, history, customs, flag,norms and Constitution of these United States. If ever there was a reason to invoke the insurrection act it's today's insurgent and lawless Democrats. They,Import illegals, comfort our enemies, free criminals, weaken the police, disarm the law abiding, dominate the media with propaganda, indoctrinate in our schools, ignore the Constitution, erase our history, undo an election with fraudulent impeachment and run candidates that hate America. AND they do this with their deep state cronies giving them, democratic immunity; it's like diplomatic immunity but better. I'd say we are seeing the reason the forefathers crafted the second amendment.
    B Hussein Obama's legacy the emboldened thugs and the war on cops

    Democrats have morphed into the trade union for America's malignancies.  Thugs, criminals, MS13, dishonest attorneys, fake news personalities, radicals, illegals, and anything else that runs counter to our constitution, norms, laws, or sovereignty is a welcome vote to Democrats.

    #PARTYOFCRIME #partyOfIllegals #partyOfFreaks #partyOfOurEnemies #PartyOfMalignancies

  11. Whites will win the War !!!! They WIN all the WARS !!!

  12. 7:29 yes it all escalated in the 90's under the Clintons and all the control that they wanted. Remember Hillarys "it takes a village" ? Plus then is also when, the rise of social services and threats to parents and they could not decipline the kids without the threats of jail or the kids being taken away, the hands of parents was tied behind their backs. I huge switch over happen in the country under the Clintons when it comes to whats happened to the young people and has gone down hill since and also the escalation of indoctrination and dumbing down in the schools. Stop baking cookies and get out of the kitchen and go and get that career. The Clintons have done more damage then ones will ever know.


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