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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Larry Johnson: Why Are Democrat Leaders Persecuting Law Abiding Citizens and Letting Criminals Walk?

The COVOID crisis juxtaposed with the George Floyd riots has fully exposed the double standard that Democrats, as well as some RINO Governors (i.e., Republican In Name Only), apply to average citizens trying to go about normal life and their total surrender to anarchists. The contrast is stark.

A good friend of mine with a condo that sits on the beach in Pompano, Florida–that is Broward County–was out jogging along the waterfront seven weeks ago. He was the only one on the beach as far as the eye could see until two police on ATVs showed up and threatened him with arrest if he did not get off the beach. He posed no risk to anyone and was not threatening property, but that did not matter to Broward cops who were acting at the behest of Broward County offiicials.

We now know that this kind of stupidity is not limited to Broward County, Florida. It is rampant in most Democrat led states, counties and cities across the United States as well as some ostensibly Republican led states (Maryland and Massachusetts come to mind). These control freaks are enraged if citizens demand to assemble in church or synagogue or mosque in groups larger than 10. “This cannot be allowed”, they shout.



  1. This is what America would look like if Biden wins in 2020. POWER! CONTROL! Screw the constitution. We have so much and too much to lose. We may not like Trump's personality but he is honestly trying to make America great again.

  2. This is what hapoens when luciferian idealogy is Prevalent in our political ideals. The democratic party and allot of republicians

  3. Look at all these videos pouring out. The cops are ignoring, or worse encouraging these ANTIFA punks but going WAY overboard on everyone else. Just yesterday a video came out of I think LAPD drive by shooting people with pepperballs They were just walking down the street, not even protesting. They claimed it was curfew enforcement but it was still light out. There are countless videos of police smashing their own cars and windows out of buildings. These piles of bricks are showing up everywhere. Open your eyes. This is a planned event and your reactions are as predictable as always. Stop worrying about the protesters or even ANTIFA and DEMAND answers on who is dropping off these bricks! Demand officer arrests for the ones shown ON VIDEO destroying property!

  4. Because WE'VE let them! Just look at your TV, listen to the media, watch the late night talk shows...BECAUSE Law Abiding citizens have NOT stood their ground! We've done nothing but listen to OUR republican leaders whom are doing NOTHING!!! Where are they? Why arent they coming out and encouraging us to follow them, as they lead us? No, all they're doing is trying to find that little "safe spot" in the middle, where they KEEP our votes, but MAYBE get the few moderate dem votes. Meanwhile, the leaders on the left are waiving their battle flags, and pumping up their voters to get out and stand? Its becoming more and more obvious that IF we want leadership, and our rigts protected, we MUST either STAND and DEMAND out leaders to support us or we're gonna have to find it within ourselves!

  5. They want to DESTROY the bill of rights. Once they trampled that. The consitution will be next. They are ALL TRAITORS. Modern day Torries. People Better wake up. The have brainwashed the students. Taught them for 3 decades that AMERICA is racists. AMERICA is destroying the world. Now we have 30 something citizens who are completely blinded by HATE and MISINFORMATION. They have been taught not to think for themselves. Not to debate other views. Deep STATE of Foreign TRAITORS in society. Teaching kids how awful our CONSITUTION is. How the Bill of Rights isn't needed and out dated. Everything is racists. The number one socialist ANTI-AMERICAN CARD.

  6. ....because that's their voter base?

  7. 'cause that;'s what democrats do.

  8. It's all wrong way around, like that pb&j sandwich.

    1. Hey 12:56....Leave the PB&J outta this! Don't be dissing my favorite Sammitch!

  9. DEMS do what they gotta do to keep control...nothing new here.


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