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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Judge Bars Minneapolis Police From Using Controversial Chokeholds, Neck Restraints

Following a city council vote to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department, a Hennepin County judge late Monday approved a proposed court order requiring the Minneapolis Police Department to stop using all neck restraints and chokeholds when dealing with suspected criminals.

Via the ruling, the judge has officially adopted a plan assembled by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. Aside from barring certain techniques, the ruling ratchets up the penalties officers might face if they ignore incidents of misconduct. Hennepin County Judge Karen Janisch’s order requires officers to immediately notify a supervisor of any incidents of police brutality.

If they see another officer using inappropriate force against a suspect, officers in the city will be required to physically intervene, or otherwise "shall be subject to discipline to the same severity as if they themselves engaged in the prohibited use of force."



  1. Yeah, and they should melt down those heavy metal handcuffs, and replace them with those cute little "Fuzzy" handcuffs like my wife likes me to use on her! Oh yeah, lets not forget to replace pepper spray with patchouli incense....WHAT THE Fuuuuu& has happened to America!!!

    1. Dawg - what the hell has happened indeed!

      Now let's discuss those fuzzy handcuffs and wife!

      (snicker snicker)

    2. Dang 4:44, I"m gonna have to plead the 5th....

  2. Oh wow this means the charges must be dropped on the other cops? Otherwise isn’t the redundant?

  3. How about they bar people from committing crimes instead??


  4. Kind of figured there'd be a Karen involved.

    The Kinko's will be working overtime printing resumes for cops looking for other jobs.

    Couldn't happen to a more woke bunch. Karma.

  5. They won't have to defund. Nobody's going to apply after while.

  6. Loot and burn your area of town and end up like Baltimore.


  7. Sharia laws a coming and The luciferian islamics are smiling. AA think they have it bad now..just wait until the moral police cuff n stuff em for not bowing down 5 times a day to pray to a false god.

  8. Sharia laws a coming and The luciferian islamics are smiling. AA think they have it bad now..just wait until the moral police cuff n stuff em for not bowing down 5 times a day to pray to a false god.

  9. Officers will still be allowed to use a Karate chop to the throat or a kick but no choke hold. The baton can also be slammed into the throat or temple but no holding by the throat.

  10. Trying to get a cop to inform on another cop???

    Might as well try to stop the sun from rising in the East.

    Aint' happening.

    ALL they are doing is making people RUN from that career.
    And we will all be sorry for that, or said another way, "be careful what you wish for".

    Keep cheering.

  11. Nothing like a leftist judge telling police officers how to do their jobs.


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