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Friday, June 12, 2020

Interesting Thoughts


  1. So true. These terrorists are worse than the KKK. They have burned the black communities leaving devastation in their wake. I feel bad for the Floyd family but I grieve more for our country.
    God Bless the U.S.A.

  2. Send in the troops Mr Trump!
    Shoot the looters and the armed assassins.
    Show them no mercy
    Let the war begin.

  3. George Floyd's name will forever be surrounded by a big huge stain. It's a shame because like George's own brother said everyone knew after Ferguson and Baltimore what would happen if people protested. How blm and the others stained George Floyd's is a sin.

  4. Do ya akl think the Tree of liberty gonna get some watering ??,

  5. Every word of this is true time for real action not words one wrong incident or even a number of them doesn't mean we live with this anarchy for ever. At some point the citizens of America are going to never ever going to re-elect their governors, mayors, city council members and leaders of communities and cities if you can't handle this last 6 mos then you don't deserve anymore time. Continue to do it your way and you'll loose the respect you've already lost the media will get tired of you eventually, and everyone will leave your communities. Ghost towns that's what you'll have.

  6. Take this right to th the Sh-T farm.


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