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Monday, June 15, 2020

How Much Do US Cities Spend On Policing?

The state of America's policing has come under scrutiny after George Floyd's shocking death in Minneapolis. That resulted in massive protests all over the country with people demanding reform and an end to police brutality and racism. It has created a debate about "defunding" the police and redirecting more money into community outreach programs.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently said he would make cuts to the NYPD's $6 billion budget and set funding aside for communities and his view is at odds with President Trump. On Monday, Trump said that "there won’t be defunding, there won’t be dismantling of our police, and there is not going to be any disbanding of our police.”

As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, over the past 30 years, the U.S. has dramatically increased police spending while funding has fallen for mental health services, community outreach programs, housing subsidies and food benefits programs for disadvantaged low-income communities that have to deal with high levels of criminality. Data from The Center for Popular Democracy, Law for Black Lives and the Black Youth Project 100 estimates that the U.S. spends a collective $100 billion on policing per year and another $80 billion on incarceration. It also shows the amount spent on policing per person in a selection of major cities which ranges from $381 to $772.

Well before George Floyd lost his life, an earlier version of the report revealed serious issues about policing in Minneapolis,stating that "racial disparities there are especially stark" and that "black and indigenous people were more than eight and-a-half times more likely than whites to be arrested for low-level offenses". It also said that "black people comprise 19 percent of the Minneapolis population but account for 59 percent of low-level arrests. Whites, by contrast, comprise 64 percent of the population but only 23 percent of low-level arrests". In 2017, Minneapolis spent $408 per person on its police force. Unfortunately, that figure was not available for 2020, unlike the other cities listed on this infographic.



  1. It's a needed service so it doesn't matter how much is spent.

    1. Yes very important. More important then anything else we could be spending it on. Nothing more important then police. Just the tax revenue alone they create is truly remarkable. Really we should just tax everyone 100% and everyone should be a cop. Problems solved.

  2. They've defunded the other agencies and stuck those tasks with police. Something they have limited training in and should not be dealing with.

  3. He was COVID, fentanyl and heroin positive Abused black females with a gun, no mask and didn’t social distance. He was the msm talking point of all bad things rolled up into one person but some how got A HORSE DRAWN carriage in a GOLD casket. Praised has a hero and a 3 hour live funeral service. We WILL never be invaded by aliens because they want nothing to do with our stupidity.

  4. They could cut cit their budgets by half if they would let the people carry a weapon wether conceiled or open carry.

    1. If you would like to carry, do so. Doubtful I will rely on you for protection though.

  5. I call bs! policing may be needed but not at the levels currently financed. the militarization of police depts around the country have brought us to this point! Cato institute did a study and found that crime levels only went up as police depts were enlarged. hence more kops writing tickets more crime. all about revenue generation by the political class on the backs of the poor!
    one town had no crime put together a police dept and low and behold everybody was guilty of braking some law!
    be careful what you ask for you might get it!

  6. We need to double the police force

  7. How much money do they spend on BLACKS?? It's a hell of a lot more than Police. Yet they still are the biggest criminals in society.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Let’s assume that minorities commit eight and a half more crime. Maybe that will help keep authorities from scratching their heads trying to find a way to conceal that fact.

  9. there's a whole industry built just off of crime. all one hears about are the felonies. take a look at all the misdemeanor crime statistics. Billions being made by prisons, prison staff, companies who supply prisons, parole officers, judges, courts, lawyers, the list goes on and on! you want to put a lot of people out of work just stop making everything a crime!


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