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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Holy Crap, Mayhem In Miami


  1. The police officers took charge, finally. They needed to take away the mouthy one

    1. No worries. She's on about a dozen cameras.

  2. Finally some hard working police doing their jobs. Standing their ground nabbing trash that hit their patrol unit with a skate board. While black AND white trash scream and video. One SOB Repeatedly yelling get your knee off him. That was BS saying knee. The new term now. Smack with a open hand and there you go with the knee. Throw a foot in the ass and the turds holler knee. Good job ladies and gentlemen

  3. Thank you MPD for not taking any crap from these punks! They want to play with fire then they got burnt! It is ridiculous that a cop of all people can't even drive down the road without being attacked. Talk about prejudiced and discrimination! You are just trying to do your job and help keep our world safe. I hope every police department in America has the ability to knock these assholes down to the worm spit they are.

    1. 11:38
      This video is in Miami

    2. Uhhhh Miami Police Dept

      A friend told me...

    3. MPD = Miami Police Department 142

  4. So what I saw where the police attempting to disburse a crowd of protesters illegally blocking traffic on a public street, then a protester hitting the police car window with what appears to be a large heavy object. In my opinion, this would have been a non-incident had it not been for the guy who attempted to destroy public property. Oh yeah, the female police officers are also pretty smok’in HOT!!!

    1. They are just that.... police officers and did have guts to protect.

  5. Cops are the correct color and criminals are the preferred color. Therefore good arrest and hero’s.

  6. Thank God for the Federal, State and Local Police !!!

  7. Bring it...I say let ALL these wanna be anarchists do what they want, because it'll only last until the citizens that live there are actually AFFECTED by it! As it stands, because the police have been shielding them from this chaos,so ALL the tax paying citizens know is what they see from inside their safe lil homes onbthr idiot box. But lets see how they feel when COP'S AREN'T there to protect them! Maybe if the folks trying to be good, trying to make a living, trying to not "rock" the boat are REALLY EXPOSEF, and have to feel the pain of anarchy, then maybe, just maybe, THEY'LL appreciate just how important cops are!

    1. Dawg,
      You are suggesting the police are a positive part of our society?

      Geez. Wake up.

      They are enforcing Statutory Laws against us. The Constitution did not establish Statutes - Dictates issued by Kings.

      We are supposed to have Common Law - but the elites have enslaved us under dictatorial Statutory Laws.

      Educate yourself my man!

    2. YES, the police are a positive part of our community. YES, there are bad cops, YES, the police should be held accountable, and to YOUR point, YES I believe that when a country has 340+ million citizens, it NEEDS police (unless you think the military would suffice). On that note, YES, I think and agree with many, that our elected officials are drunk with power, and corruption runs rampant, and just like a virus, the only way it can survive is to propagate, so our politicians continue to install more and bigger bureaucracies, and they along with the politicians only way to survive is to pass more and more ridiculous, and sometimes unconstitutiol laws that I DON'T agree with, but I don't blame the cops for that. I blame the police unions for that. I blame the police unions looking out more for their political perks than the officers themselves, I Blame our elected officials for that, but YES, I support the police,and feel they are a positive. Unlike myself, many citizens depend on the police to respond to violence, robbery, rape, terroristic threats, etc. Unlike ME, many people don't have the mental, physical, or skill with self defense that I have....So using your thoughts, WHO do they call? I gave "educated" answers to you. What's YOUR magic solution to help these innocent people, short of regressing back to the Wild West?

    3. Got your back Dawg!

    4. Thank you 7:52, and if ever we're tasked with facing down the bad guys, i'd cover your 6 as well.

  8. The protesters were not properly prepared to fight. One cannot go part way into a fight with police. That’s when citizens get hurt and police win.

  9. Where is the FLORIDA MILITIA ?

    1. We need an eastern shore militia

    2. We are starting one.

  10. Police will protect themselves to protect others, as they should, as is the law.

    1. And....should use any force necessary. They have been talking reform since the sixties which is like chunking money to education. You can put any policy in place reference choking or anything else. If the cop is in a situation to save his or her ass, it is still going to be used and rightly so. I say give them more rope instead disabling police. Thank you all LEO’s

  11. Left Wing Thugs. I bet the majority of them are illegal aliens.

  12. That’s how you deal with punk rioters

  13. Dont mess with the bull...you'll get the horns

  14. 12:54 PM - Great! You're the first president. Let us know when and where the inaugural meeting is. We'll bring cheese if somebody springs for crackers.

  15. That female police was so HOT. my goodness welcome to Miami

    1. I thought the same thing.

    2. The police are overwhelmed. Look at the mentality of the crowd. Are they supposed to be hit and take it with no repercussions? We live by Law and Order, without it anarchy rules. I wouldn't want their job right now, this is their job and they want to do it and go home like everyone else. I feel for them, this is something we are used to seeing when turning on the tv and looking at other countries. It is now on our soil, next our doorsteps. How will we respond?

  16. White guys hitting black men with skate boards while blocking traffic for a black movement? I’m so confused now a days.

    1. They’re Communist agitator’s

  17. What a great job! They serve as an example to all and any police departments and communities. Awards should be considered. Makes you proud!

  18. My heart is braking.The cops were attacked with a baseball bat. That is not protesting that is assault and destruction of property. Hit with skate boards by bystanders. We will not have to worry about defunding police they are all going to quit. Who can blame them ? what a thankless job.I for one am grateful they have been there for me during a DV event and B and E.

  19. That’s right! Take it to them, Miami PD. Enough is enough already.

  20. God bless those brave police officers ❤️💪🦾💪🏻. This is how to handle idiots👍.

  21. I don't understand why the police don't just mace the s@#& out of them. Can any officer out there explain why? Seems like it would be an easy way to disable your attackers.

  22. What a great job by the police!! The left wing punks didn't realize the police would stand their ground-and hold it. Great job!!!


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