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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Great White Shark Off of Ocean City, Maryland June 8, 2020


  1. Imagine deep sea fishing and seeing a shark. Wow.

  2. Wow! I would have loved to have been there to see that. Amazing fish!

  3. In one of my fishing magazines there was a story about a shark biting one of the outboard motors on a boat.They were actually marlin fishing about 60 miles out.

  4. Jaws 4 ...coming soon !!

  5. Don't think their Marlin fishing, they would be on the troll. Looks like shark fishing because of the balloons. Probably had Chum bucket over and thats what drew the man in the gray suit to the boat

    1. Oh aren't you so clever and knowledgeable, LMFAO

    2. Clever? Spent 15+ offshore, yes knowledgeable, and yes there r plenty of captains and mates who have experienced many off shore encounters like this one, only wish I could have been there with them

  6. Our own Jaws in OC and I'm sure there are many, be careful in the water at all times stay alert.

  7. Hmmmm. July 4th weekend is coming soon.

    Mayor Larry Vaughn from Amity: ...you will open those beaches Chief Brody, it would ruin the town's economy, you and Hooper do whatever is necessary to make them safe.....

    Mayor Rickie Meehan: (insert your own reference to opening the beaches)

    Later that day in Amity after in they channel area a man is eaten and the famous leg dropping to the the bottom of the bay, Mayor Vaughn is confronted hospital by Chief Brody - whereas the Mayor apologies sincerely about his BAD CHOICES - then signing a payment order to hire QUINT to kill the shark.

    Very errry the possible (not probable) similarity.

    (snicker snicker)

  8. Gee, gosh. I might have been very reckless if you hadn't warned me. That's swell Thank you so much. Now, hopefully I won't get eaten by a shark.

  9. Heeeeeereeeee fishy, fishy, fishy....

  10. Our answer to COVID-19! Great White is our vaccine for positive test results.....

  11. Yeah, well, it's the ocean.....there's sharks in the ocean!

  12. On their way to Nantucket.

  13. Why are so many so excited about a shark IN THE OCEAN? They live there ffs


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