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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Father Pavone: President Trump Shows Inspiring Leadership for Believers

Countless American believers in the Bible, myself included, were inspired tremendously on Monday when President Trump stood in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church, across the street from the White House, and held up the Word of God for all to see.

The historic church was boarded up after rioters set fires there the day before, in an act which made even many on the Left incredulous.

The president’s likely opponent in the November elections, Democrat Joe Biden, was not among those who were inspired. Instead, tone-deaf as he is to the American people and the things of the Spirit, he said the president’s appearance outside the church shows he “is more interested in power than in principle.”

Some religious leaders found it “baffling and reprehensible” that the St. John Paul II National Shrine would allow the president to visit with First Lady Melania Trump, who is Catholic.

Actually, the opposition to the President’s actions is baffling. Every religious leader should be cheering the president’s expression of faith and commitment to religious liberty.

Before the nation became engulfed in violence sparked in part by the death of George Floyd and in large measure by unrelated agendas of violent agitators, the president had planned to sign an executive order on international religious freedom at the John Paul II Center.

“This was fitting,” according to a statement on the Shrine’s Twitter page, “given John Paul II was a tireless advocate of religious liberty throughout his pontificate.”



  1. Sad but allot of churches have fallen and have been hi jacked by the big lies of the luciferians

  2. Aa a Catholic. I think the church has lost its way ever since this Pope has arrived. As we have seen in recent years how this Pope has tried to make the church political. Catholic churches and schools are closing around the country. Yet they are more concerned with politics. The Bishop in D.C. criticism of our President is a disgrace. But he fawn's all over Nancy pelosi who is against everything the Catholic Church stands for. Attendance is down in the Catholic Church. Not because of its religion. Because of its leader's who are just as corrupt as politicians. So everytime you see a Catholic Bishop or Cardinal on TV bashing our great President. They aren't speaking for actual Catholics. They are speaking as corrupt politicians who actual Catholics can't stand.

  3. Real Christians support President Trump. Fake christians support the demcrat party.

  4. Agree 7:09 AM; Bishop Malooly, Wilmington, is front and center putting the almighty $$$ before Parishes. Pelosi, Biden, Kerry, et al who profess to be good Catholics all subscribe to abortion, one of the most salacious affronts to the Trinity, in favor of pandering for power.

  5. Every Christian in the nations supports President Trump's walk to the burn out church If you are a real Christian that is.
    Jesus branded a whip and cursed out those who were defiling the temple to reclaim it.
    These "peaceful" protesters everyone is talking about had just hours before burnt the church up and were starting up again by throwing things a the police and getting riled up like they do just before they go out and destroy.
    The President drove them out and then went and reclaimed it saying we will rebuild and will rebuild the country better while holding up the Bible. That couldn't be more perfect. If you are a real Christian you know I am right.

  6. You can't claim the man is for faith and religion when he tells lies daily.

  7. Sorry. Trump’s hypocrisy was breathtaking. Holding a bible? In front of a church he hadn’t set foot in since the morning of his inauguration? He didn’t go there to pray or look at the damage inflicted the night before. He didn’t go there to meet with religious leaders to see how he could help. He didn’t meet with protesters. He didn’t do anything except stand awkwardly for a photograph that he somehow thought would make him look strong and powerful. Instead it made him look small, childish and weak. And yet his supporters once again look the other way or twist themselves into pretzels trying to spin his actions into something they aren’t.

  8. President Trump asked WWJD and he received. Just as Jesus reclaimed the temple the President reclaimed the burnt down church. Just as Jesus had to whip off the those defiling the temple the Secret Service God Bless them drove off the unGodly so the church could be reclaimed.

  9. Today being the Lord's Day all we can do is pray more people will get back to God in a real way and stop following the work of the devil that is blm. Jesus is offended by them. He would never approve of blm and how they place a value on a human life depending on who the killer was. blm is the work of the devil and is a test to see who the real Christians are. This could be your last week, day hour on earth. Don't foul it up by claiming blm who are doing the devil's work. Rebuke them and their unGodly ways before it is too late.


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