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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Democrats’ Chickens Come Home to Roost

There’s something I say all the time, only because it’s true: Frankenstein’s monster always returns to the castle to destroy it.” There are many other ways to put it: chickens coming home to roost, you reap what you sow, etc., – and it’s all true. That adage came true again this weekend as left-wing mobs turned on left-wing cities that have elected left-wing politicians for generations, many in left-wing states, and burned much of them to the ground. The monster came home.

Conservatives have been warning about the dangers of Antifa and other left-wing groups for years. No one in the Democrat media listened.

More than that, they cheered them on; defended them. Why not? After all, they were chanting the right things and targeting the right people, from the left’s perspective.

No progressive group would condemn them: Black Lives Matter didn’t, the Women’s March didn’t, CNN didn’t. They were helpful in beefing up numbers and energy at protests and marches Democrats deemed helpful. What did it matter if they threw a few rocks or Molotov cocktails? They were throwing them at police, a group those silent partner groups had declared the enemy – “What do we want?” “Dead cops!” “When do we want it?” “Now!” They weren’t about to criticize their own team.

But now those team members have turned unhelpful, so it’s game on.



  1. No federal tax money to rebuild blue cities.

  2. Just wait until those left wing pols turn to Trump begging for help as their cities/states become disaster areas.

  3. 6:31 Fed funds will go to these cities but you van bet the democrat officials will pilfer and outright steal it. It will be given to politically connected contractors. The affluent areas will get rebuilt in record speed. The minority neighborhoods will go further in decline as they always do after they riot and the black on black murder rate is going to soar. This is the prize they win for the big smelly craps they have historically taken on their own tables.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: This is the second article I have read that was authored by this guy and I find him to be totally accurate in his assessment of the Pedomarxist agenda. Too bad most people are oblivious to the availability of truth reflected in articles like this. Too easy to just watch CNN and let them form your opinion.

  5. What goes around comes around KARMA.


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