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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Clyburn: ‘Only Violence’ I Saw in D.C. Were Police on Horseback Clearing Protesters

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” while discussing the nationwide response to George Floyd’s death, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) said the only violence he saw in Washington D.C. were police on horseback moving back peaceful protesters last Monday.

Allegedly, that was done so that President Donald Trump could go to St. John’s Church, which was burned during so-called protests a day earlier.

Cavuto said, “Congressman, that’s a searing 1968 image, the argument then is that it is so jostled Americans that they went to the law and order candidate, Richard Nixon. Is this so jostling Americans that they might do the same with the law and order candidate, Donald Trump? What do you think of that?”



  1. Another finger pointing race baiter with TDS, reporting only part of the story to advance and preserve Plantation Politics.

  2. Another lie by a Democrat ........whats new

  3. That’s all he wanted to see.

  4. What did you expect a long time RACIST to say. I can't wait for the day he no longer has a security detail. When one of his consitutents breaks in his house. When he calls 911 and he doesn't get an answer.

  5. He is a democrat. There isn't a democrat alive who is an honest person.

  6. Did they even use horses? Don't remember seeing any.

  7. Old liberal fool.

  8. What the hell do you expect when these protesters are destroying both private and Government property. This is an absolute disgrace what these no good bastards are doing to this country. A real shame and for sure orchestrated by the left. Bring in the militia and root these bastards out, they are ruining this country. With very little support many of our police will be quitting the force. Who the hell needs it. Sad!!!!

  9. Then you are blind sir...

  10. With all the free benefits that we taxpayers pay for you, why don't you get your lazy ass to the eye doctor and get those cataracts removed---or have your Eyes Sewn Wide Shut. Idiot!


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