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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Cancel the White Men -- And What's Left?

"Can we all just get along?"

That was the plea of Rodney King after a Simi Valley jury failed to convict any of the four cops who beat him into submission after a 100-mile-an-hour chase on an LA freeway.

King's plea came after the 1992 LA riots, the worst since the New York City draft riots in 1863 when Lincoln had to send in federal troops.

In the aftermath of today's protests and riots after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, we hear similar calls. President Donald Trump must "reach out" and "unify the nation."

But how?

Many of these calls for unity come from the same elites who are all-in on tearing us apart by pulling down statues of the famous men of American history whom they most detest.

A second war on the Confederacy is underway, to disgrace and dishonor all who fought for Southern independence in the war of 1861-65. A second Reconstruction is being readied.

The St. Andrew's Cross, the battle flag of the Confederate Army, though seen as a banner of heroism and honor to millions, is henceforth to be treated like the Nazi swastika. It has been already been banned at Nascar races, where it has been widely popular.

Liberals will fight for the right of Marxist radicals to burn the American flag to show their hatred of it but cannot tolerate working folks flying the battle flag of the Confederacy to show their love of it.



  1. The WHITE women !!! And they all LOVE them don't they !!!

  2. Its really very simple either you follow christian principles that founded this nation and document. Or you follow the marxist/communist ideals of no GOD BUT the state and follow the ledts satanic/luciferian principles

  3. Thank you for this article! It is so spot on! The political elites, the media, and powerful in Hollywood have for YEARS been puking out these SAME talking points for decades! Politicians have been using OUR tax dollars for 10,20,30 + years saying THEY would fix these issues over, and over again, yet they've done NOTHING!...The media has supported them. Hollywood, h
    has HAPPILY, and WILLINGLY made BILLIONS of OUR dollars exploiting guns, sex, violence, racism, and on and on yet they've done NOTHING either! So the hypocrisy of any of these entities is sickening! WE must call the hypocrisy out NOW! Why do we still support the socialist structure of Hollywood? Why do we watch (and by doing so support)the AGENDA drivin propaganda they produce? Why do we watch Netflix, knowing its a progressive cesspool? Then we turn around and bitch and complain. Lets start boycotting, canceling, etc.

  4. There is no Confederacy YOU LOST

  5. Refresh my memory, since all the statues that we magically absorb historical facts from are gone, didn't the confederacy lose the war?

  6. Confederate statues are just participation trophies.

  7. CANCEL Culver!!!!!

  8. CANCEL CULVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Cancel Democrats !!! End the Party !!! End the KKK !!!!

  10. sad to say nothing. white women foaming at the mouth over black men. However,the ones I see them with yall must don't want so I guess it's no lost for yall...

  11. what's left? Look at any 3rd world s-hole.

  12. Cancel property owners NOT being able to vote in Ocean City.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Good morning HDD! I agree with your comment totally. Damaging the Pedomarxist liberal democrats financially would be a significant component to cause them to back off because to them money means everything. The elites and their media supporters are not people of moral substance and will favor whatever movement that brings them publicity and financial gain. A good example is Rob Reiner, who appears frequently in liberal media. A cast member of one tv show cancelled forty years ago and not a single accomplishment since. If you notice, most of the “celebrities “ that we hear from are washed up has beens still attempting to be relevant. That component of the Marxist movement is encouraged and aided by a corrupt media that continually promotes their positions. This is all being driven, I believe, by a hidden hand that has great influence not only in owning and controlling most of the media, but manipulate congress by handing out or withholding financial donations for election campaigns. Every facet of our lives is controlled by these folks because of their numbers in the banking and financial arena as well as the field of law, education and entertainment. The indoctrination and propaganda propagated by that tribe has been successful over the last fifty or so years in destroying patriotism and love for country. It begins with the indoctrination of children who, after being subjected to this campaign since the early 60s, are now the young adults that are attacking us and our institutions. I see signs that the silent majority are beginning to smolder and hopefully will burst into flame with just a little more provocation. One. Can only hope.


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