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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Black Lives Matter and Antifa Rioters Are Pulling People Out of Their Cars In Santa Monica, CA And Beating Them


  1. I own a handgun but to not qualify for a CCL in Maryland, but I carry my handgun in my car with me wherever I go. If Salisbury ever experiences anything like this anywhere on Business 13 (or anywhere else for that matter) and I’m in the wrong place at the wrong time, the first thing I’ll do is step on the gas and blow over whoever is blocking my car to prevent me for escaping. And be warned, if you attempt to open my door, break my window, and attempt to pull me out of my vehicle, I will shoot you dead. BTW: I obey all traffic laws so it is highly unlikely that a LEO would ever pull me over for a moving violation and need to search my vehicle.

    1. Well ya gotta pay the app fee. Then training. Then they will turn you down unless you were born on a second Tuesday between midnight and 12:01, have green Martians circling your property, moon worms attacking your neighbors on thirsdays. If you are issued a C.C.L. you will only be allowed to use it on days that do not end in Y, just to go pay another useless app fee.

  2. Gonna pick the wrong car soon i hope.

  3. When you nationally condemn LEOs and pretty much render them from serving/protecting - then the animals take over without any worry at all.

    The world we live in today - WOW.

  4. THIS is why we need the 2A!

  5. Don't want to open my door. Seriously!!

  6. Looks like blacks beating a white man, hate crime !!

    1. It's what I see 99% of the time

  7. This is why it's not going to turn out well naming a local street words that have this stigma attached to them. It's against God's word which reigns supreme. A street named that will not ever be blessed and this is why the street should be named in honor or in memory of something to do with positive black history.

  8. It's a matter of hours before BLM picks on the wrong person

  9. This is not goi g to be accepted in most of America, their messing with fire and (through no fault of their own of course they will be shot dead by one of the victims)

  10. No one is stopping them.
    This country is close to anarchy...or Civil War.
    Im ready!

    1. 1243.... baloney

      most Fat Americans only care about the game on Sunday and getting drunk.

    2. You're dead wrong.

    3. 12:57 You couldn’t be more wrong.

    4. 1257 not the forum for your disappointed lifestyle. We love the game all days, drink because we can and very happy to be alive.

      Sucks to be you.

  11. The law apparently doesn’t have manpower and what they have has been reprimanded for attempting to maintain law and order. They are hired, trained and charged with protecting us. They do their job and get charged. The military is equipped and trained in this type of crap, but you don’t want a police state.

  12. Living in OC, I'm not at all worried.
    After three generations of avid hunters in my family, we're armed to the teeth. Invading this home would be the worst, and last, mistake anyone could possibly make.
    When the crap hits the fan all around us (and I'm convinced it will eventually) OC just needs to block-off the town, which would be very easy only having three points of entry.
    "Fort OC" in a matter of minutes. We'll all be prepared and safe, and just think of how short the lines will be at Thrashers.
    And sure as hell, the rebels ain't gonna be swimming into town!

    1. It’s already hitting the fan for weeks where are you ? Hiding and trolling ?

  13. these are the good old days

  14. 12:57 There are few that give a damn and are ready for fighting back. We just need to find each other. It doesn't take a majority to change things. Just look at what the Communists have done already.

  15. Where's a sniper with a rapid fire tranquilizer gun when you need one?

  16. 1204 - we would never know if it happened since its not part of the script with LameStream Media. Minority on Minority, minority on white doesn't move the needle.

    We've been programmed that way - unfortunately.

  17. Well if those whites weren't RACIST before. They are be NOW.

  18. Santa Monica is one of the most liberal cities in the country. Classic case of Liberals eating their own.
    I am sure they will vote for less police funding.

  19. 2:16

    Lead is a most effective tranquilizer.

    1. Ditto....tranquilizers are for pets, domesticated creatures. Lead works on animals or anything acting like them

  20. Barack Hussein Obama built this.
    America has reached critical mass. The liberal non education system has ripened several generations of gullibles. All points of the Marxist doctrine are converging.

  21. Hey 12:57 speak for yourself fool,I have been done with football and nascar. Also 11:19 you got it right.

  22. To 2:05:

    What's happening now will look like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood when the revolution begins in earnest.
    Am I hiding out? Not in OC I'm not. Preparing, maybe, but certainly not hiding.
    I go through life now as I have in the past, but maybe just a little more keen to my surroundings and current situation when I'm out.
    (I'm sorry, I really don't know what 'trolling' is in this case. I'm not sure if I'm doing that or not.)

  23. We need police reform priority one and nothing to see here.

  24. Criminals carry with no permit so should law abiding citizens.Always wondered why police in the cities knew mobsters had guns on them and did nothing.

    1. I carry. No permit except the second amendment. Not worried.

  25. judged by 12 or carried by 6?


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