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Monday, June 22, 2020

Backlash surges against Democrat control of cities

'These are the same people who fought to keep slavery in'

Amid the swirling sea of media coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests taking place all over the country, a few against-the-tide moments have garnered attention. These range from distraught African American women lamenting the looting of their neighborhood stores to young black activists dressing down white vandals dressed in the hooded garb of the antifa movement.

Some, more overtly partisan, commentary has taken direct aim at the prevailing wisdom that the modern Democratic Party is the only choice for minority voters. First, a video rocketed around social media earlier this week showing an African American female street preacher in Seattle’s CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) explaining to a white woman (presumably a liberal Democrat) why she would never vote for Joe Biden.

TRENDING: Trump's Tulsa rally prompts civil-emergency declaration

"You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Biden in there. Watch what happens. You want to see black men get killed substantially, like you’ve never seen before? Put Joe Biden in there. Watch what happens. These Democrats, and I’m sorry to say this and I’m not trying to be racist, but they hate black people. These are the same people who fought to keep slavery in. These are the same people who built the KKK. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks."



  1. Let them suffer for a while. They all wanted this situation. Now they got and don't care for it.

    TOO BAD.

  2. Both sides tormenting a race war.
    The elites want whites and blacks to fight
    So far only stupid criminal blacks have engaged in violence.

  3. They deserve to suffer the consequences of voting stupidly.


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