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Monday, June 22, 2020

America Is Going To Lose Its Cool Very Soon


  1. Young pumk kids .... attempting to gain some recognition

    President Trump is supporting legislation to make those Flag burning acts a year in Jail

  2. this is a joke, right?

  3. Now that we know when and where, we might see a couple of snipers for this one.

  4. If you don't like Our Flag....Get out of our Country! We are not Abolishing The police, Get Over it.

  5. Really?
    On federal land?
    To protest to abolish police?

    There may be some Antifa face painting of another kind, which is what they're counting on. The MSM will surely be there to tell us everything, whether it happened or not.

  6. 250k die each year from medical malpractice!! Crickets

  7. I am not sure of what can and cannot be done regarding a protest on federal land. I would guess they would have to apply for permits. It seems that I heard about something like this before (2017 I think), but I don’t think it turned into much of anything.

  8. The phone number is connected to a defunct website and an active Twitter feed called BernieBro, a Bernie Sanders support site, one that Bernie himself acknowledges. Since when does Antifa figure into working for Bernie?
    The 515 area code is in the Des Moines, Iowa area.

  9. Something isn't right here.

  10. From The Gettysburg Times 6 days ago:

    "'Flag-burning' event lights up social media; no permit requested
    By Jim Hale Times Staff Writer Jun 16, 2020 0
    Despite various social media posts, no permit application has been received for a flag-burning event next month at Gettysburg National Military Park, Superintendent Steven Sims said Tuesday.

    Park personnel are collaborating with law enforcement agencies to monitor social media and discuss preparations for an event should one occur, Sims said."

  11. My president has declared ANTIFA a terrorist organization , thus ,we must abolish them and terminate this cancer. Lots of medication to terminate in the form of calibers.

  12. I say it's BURN a Antifa flag on July 4th .

    1. Yes BLM, Lgbt flags TOO BURN EM

  13. This is Why there Has to be a Civil War because Dems aka Traitors won't stop.

  14. Other reports say that it's a Confederate flag burning.

  15. All this is an ongoing fad, and stylish behavior. Once these morons move on in age the next bunch will have something else.

  16. If Antifa is a terrorist organization why can't Patriots Kill them ?

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  17. Children welcome ?

  18. There is a permit for July 1 to burn the Confederate battle flags....no permit for the 4th

  19. Gettysburg is a good site for another battle, they better hope Patriots don't show up!

  20. I've attended flag burnings at a couple national cemetery on Flag Day June 14th. Old and worn flags were burned in a nice ceremony near sun down.

    This doesn't sound like a nice upcoming ceremony.

  21. Yes. It's unbelievable because it's simply NOT TRUE! And it's a shame that a respectable news site would post this crap.

  22. 11:38- Dibs on Culp's Hill... LOL

  23. should be interesting.Bikers for TRUMP is planning to hold a rally,same time and place!Lets see how the thugs act!

  24. Anon 12 PM -- 250K die from Medical Malpractice? What does this have to do with Antifa? Also, where do you get your information because that sounds like BS to me.

  25. If you are watching what they actually do it’s clear they’re just anti American working on behalf of Russia China or both

  26. White Americans have grown too soft to do anything about it

    1. That is exactly correct. White, so called, “patriots” will do absolutely nothing. They’re scared to death of getting caught and thrown in jail or getting shot. There will never be another “shooting” civil war. White people are simply cowardliness to participate.

  27. 12:30 PM - The retirement ceremony for worn and damaged U.S. flags is a somber and dignified event. Words are spoken, the flags are respectfully put the the ceremonial fire, and Taps is played by a bugler. It can bring a tear to one's eye, and not just from standing downwind.
    It's kind of amazing how many people have no idea.

  28. There are going to be booths setup to teach how to make pipe bombs, gasoline bombs, and how to get out of plastic handcuffs.
    The kids can go and try their luck at their Tear gas canister catch and toss.
    The shooting booth will have rubber bullets and bean bags to fire at plates.
    Fun for the whole family!

  29. More Leftist baloney. They distract at the front door while they steal your stuff and set fire to your house at the back door.

  30. Isn't flag burning against federal law. So who is going to enforce the law.( Oh that's right we don't want the police involved) If one is so against our flag and what it stands for, find a country that doesn't give a damm and go thrre'

  31. There is no law against flag burning , the supreme court has ruled flag burning as freedom of speech .

  32. June 22, 2020 at 2:06 PM Why don't you try google before you comment.

    The act is considered offensive by many, but flag burning is legal in the U.S. under Supreme Court rulings that it is constitutionally protected speech under the First Amendment.

  33. Isn't flag burning ARSON.

    1. Wouldn't it be easier for you to look up the definition?🙄

  34. pssst 206...they really don't hate our flag, but since DEFUND the po po is now out there scaring most LEOs they will stay their course. Now when the hammer is back in play they still won't leave because of welfare. No other country provides welfare to those who DON'T want to work.

    And those that do work - pay for those that don't.

    Amazing concept....SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. No one will be arrested for showing up without a permit but anyone showing up with a fire extinguisher will be arrested for a hate crime.

  36. I thought it was against the law to burn the American flag?

  37. Bring a bus load of convicts there and turn them lose.

  38. Why are so many folks here so up in arms about such an obviously false / Fake event flyer? This is simply not a true event. Are you all truly this stupid?

    1. I guess renaming Salisbury street after BLM is fake also,

  39. Burn the flag break your jaw

  40. SHAME, shame, shame on all of you!


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