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Thursday, May 21, 2020

White Marlin Open is a GO!

We are excited to confirm that the 47th Annual White Marlin Open will be held as scheduled on August 3-7, 2020. We will, of course, follow government guidelines on spectator crowd size. At this time, we do not know what those restrictions will be in August.

What we do know is that our awesome participants are beyond excited to get back on the water and hunt for a million dollar marlin!!!

Get to practicing because this year’s purse will be YUGE!!!


  1. 👍👍 I'm happy to see that they're at least going to try and make it happen. We may have a new normal but let's get it going we can't keep postponing everything from fear of the unknowns. We know plenty on how to get things done now.

  2. We will see.....

  3. Can’t wait. The White Marlin tournament is awesome.

  4. Finally some intelligence used in making a decision. All the fire dept's cancelling carnivals, locations cancelling fire works etc is down right stupid Sby cancelling the folk fest you can tell a bunch of geniuses behind that one.

    1. Stupid crazy not to have fireworks for the 4th of July.

  5. Well the weigh-in area won't have thousands like years past....or will it?


    $$$$$ talks in Harbour Island - right Rickie????

  6. It's time to order more Trump flags.

    1. I have three ordered, one for the garage, one for the flag pole, and one for the truck.

  7. How could you possibly ever cancel a multi-million dollar event. That money means so much to OC. It puts OC on the map.

  8. I am so sick of this "new normal" term. You can't watch a commercial on TV that doesn't imply it. "New normal", to me, means New World Order and I will not accept it.

  9. 2:12 by then there should be open access for all. If you’re worried about it wear a mask or stay home. Simple.

    1. Well then all knowing, prove way ahead plan for all of us...to include jobs. Yeah all knowing...how about winning lottery numbers too. Since you know what's going to happen in the future.



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