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Saturday, May 30, 2020

What Do You Think?


  1. Absolutely not
    Never give away State’s Rights

    Change the State Government

  2. The name is "National Guard".

  3. Very bad idea. One day there will be a democrat President. The guard creates a separation of power. NO WAy!

  4. Hell no. Government is the problem, not the solution. The citizens have a
    right to protect and defend their family, property,and businesses. Let the
    locals take care of it. Problem solved.

    1. But they aren’t taking care of it.

  5. Absolutely NOT! A bad Potus could turn them against the citizenry, while being State entities, there would be digression. It's a State thing, read the 10th Amendment.

  6. I think that this meme was created to promote further fear and division. It's a trap.

    1. I say yes and the aholes saying No are the liberal Saks of shit that are connected to this Chaos.

  7. Bringing the Nat. Guard in would be like trying "to put the fire out with gasoline." And worse, armed soldiers vs unarmed citizens would be an official
    declaration of Civil War by the government. (Which is what the NWO wants)

    1. Just what is this new world order you are afraid of. Armed, unarmed, the trash wants to destroy the country. Take them out of the cities in whatever means it takes. If not it will spread to your town or dwelling, even if you reside in the woods.

  8. Time for Marshall Law !!!! That will stop the bullshhht !!!!

  9. They need to be hit with thousands of rubber bullets.

    1. Rubber is not effective. It doesn’t penetrate like a better material, lead. You’ve heard the expression, “take the lead out of your ass”.

  10. Just like Republicans. You're all pro-state's rights until you get a chance to stomp down minorities. Then it's by any means necessary. You're hypocrites.

    1. Nothing hypocritical about it. Sounds good to this conservative

  11. 11:33 PM - You have a backwards view on this one, the one spooned to you so very carefully by the Democrat party. Take the red pill.

  12. The National Guard was established to take control of any state militias with a constitutional right to exist. That way, they can deny the citizens right to have weapons as they can claim they militia already exists in their state and they have to "join" the National Guard to exercise their constitutional rights. It is a "well regulated militia" that meets the 2nd amendment requirements, and it's leader (by law) is the Governor of the state. It can only be activated by a Governor. The governor can activate them for any crisis or emergency. In Maryland, the annotated code has the state militia spelled out and what the chain of command is, and who is a member (every able bodied state male citizen under 70 years of age). In Maryland, those males are required to have arms, and report for duty if our governor was to call on us. It is codified in our Maryland laws. Never repealed, but in Maryland, our governors will turn the National Guard on it's unarmed citizens before they ever let the citizens own and carry the weapons required for our state militia to serve. Maryland doesn't trust its citizens to allow the politicians to govern in a corrupt manner.

  13. The only thing that picture is lacking is for that to be his middle finger!


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