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Friday, May 08, 2020

WH Press Sec. On Flynn: ‘What we’ve learned…should scare every American’

“What we’ve all learned from that should scare every American citizen. The fact that you had Jim Comey admitting in December of last year that he violated a protocol by directing agents to confront Flynn and something that he ‘wouldn’t have gotten away with under previous administrations,” McEnany said.

She added, “The FBI told Flynn he didn’t need a lawyer when they came to meet with him. McCabe told FBI agents that he didn’t think Flynn was lying. And all of that information, we’ve learned over the last few months and years culminates in the fact that we have a handwritten FBI note that says ‘we need to get Flynn to lie and get him fired.’ There was an unfair target on the back of General Michael Flynn. It should concern every American. Anytime there’s a partisan pursuit of an individual, and that’s certainly at least those questions are raised with regard to General Michael Flynn an honorable man who served his country.”

As Sara A. Carter reported this week, a number of redacted handwritten notes, emails, and text messages were unsealed and allegedly revealed that Flynn was set up for a perjury trap by senior officials and agents at the FBI.

“Those handwritten notes and emails revealed that the retired three-star general appeared to be set up for a perjury trap and that senior FBI officials were also intending to target him to get him ‘fired’ by the President,” Carter reported on Thursday.



  1. NEWS FLASH!!!!!

    That is what the CIA and FBI do. They compromise people. Then they get them to do their bidding.

    THAT IS THEIR MODUS OPERENDI, it is how they operate. How they get info. And how they go about ruining otherwise good peoples lives.

    General Flynn however is a man of integrity and he never stopped fighting this.

    Good for him.

    AND THIS SHOULD SCARE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. The only thing that bothers me more are the low IQ dimwhits that arent bothered by this. Speak up. Let us know who you are. Who thinks less freedom and more rules is what is needed. Speak up now. I will wait.

  2. Those of us who are educated and not mind controlled have known for a long time that the US Government is an evil and wicked enterprise.

    Time for everybody to wake up.

    The government lies about everything!

    1. So what else do you have ? Join Trump in draining the swamp.

  3. We read this same crap day in/day out, waiting for it to report they have arrested and jailed these people that think they are above the law. Until then I won't waste my time with this BS. There will come a time very soon none of this will matter anyways. It's called wartime....mho

  4. Thanks to the 911 physc OP we now have the patriot act..remember its for the kids!!


    1. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 5:56 PM

      Uhhh word is they saw it, they'll be over in 10 min for the "Inquisition" better put coffee on :(. Just blame Trump, they give you a get outta jail free card!

  5. President Trump needs to put General Flynn in a government position in which he can clear out the swamp.


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