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Monday, May 25, 2020

Well Said!


  1. Malcolm X's assassination is being re-investigated, 55 years after the murder in which he was shot 21 times by three assailants during a speech in Harlem.

  2. He sure had those liberal nuts pegged correctly.

  3. Never liked Malcom X but have to say this statement is correct, he may have been more insightful than thought of at the time. This is exactly what the Democrats are doing and have been doing since the Cavanaugh hearings and the impeachment, and now the Corona Virus we will find out more and more in the months ahead that these too were over exaggerated figures and hype. A lot of the deaths in the retirement homes will be found out to be related to illnesses and aging already present.

  4. At the time when this man was in the public eye, the media covered him as a radical.Yet most of his speaking was to address freedom and independence. The lame stream media (and Democrat party) still wants that to be radical thinking.


  5. The (arrogant and utterly stupid) comment that Biden made recently should have gotten him nuked by the media and democrat 'leaders'. It should have been the end of his presidential bid.

    Instead, they've all been scrambling to come up with ways to cover for him, or just blow it off.

    Democrats are all about lies and deceit. Power at ANY price.

  6. It's been going on for decades and it only took 70 years for the general public to figure it out

  7. Now that it's figured out, VOTE!!

  8. Did he meet Ralph "Coonman" Northam? This fits that POS to a T.

  9. back in the day the media portrayed him as a wacko radical; someone NOT to be taken seriously...well, we see now that he was spot on...BUT now we NO LONGER listen to FAKE NEWS MSM...no longer sheep as we are awake, aware and battle ready.

  10. His Rival ( Farrakon ) knocked him off & Blamed the Whites !! FACT


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