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Friday, May 15, 2020

Virginia May 14 COVID-19 update: Gov. Northam grants Accomack, Richmond requests to be excluded from reopening Friday

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Virginia reported 1,067 new COVID-19 cases, the most reported in a single day so far, and highest since May 1’s 1,055 reported cases. It also reported 28 new deaths linked to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

The number comes just one day before most of Virginia is scheduled to enter “phase 1” of its economic reopening plan. Hard-hit Northern Virginia is delaying its reopening by at least two weeks.

Accomack County, which now has nearly 600 cases and 60-plus more cases than Virginia Beach, voted to request a reopening delay Wednesday night. The City of Richmond also submitted a similar formal request Thursday afternoon.

Northam granted both requests Thursday, extending the localities’ reopening until at least May 28.



  1. Accomack County, 99.9% rural, 80% poor, birthplace of Governor Northam.

  2. Accomack County, home of two large poultry plants and untold thousands of immigrant workers living 10 or more per house/trailer/shack.

  3. Accomack Hospital loves the COVID-19 government payments of $1,300 per person identified with Coronavirus (common cold).

  4. Small steps than jumping into the pool.

  5. Accomack full of Haitians brought in by the chicken plants.They ruin the school system and the healtcare system. They should stay in their sh t hole and stop ruining our country

  6. Obama and Clinton brought them here.

  7. The hospital does not receiver $1,300 per covid-19 patient. That's a myth. They receiver $13,000 per covid-19 patient. Big difference. Oh, and they get $39,000 if said patient requires intubation and a ventilator.

  8. Northam has been warned by his advisors to quit wearing his KKK mask for protection of the virus. He now only wears it to the grocery store.


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