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Friday, May 01, 2020

Videos of Teachers Brainwashing Students to be Anti Trump

Lately we’ve heard stories about teachers brainwashing students to be anti Trump. It is absolutely insane how much of this is going on. Teachers have no business talking about politics to students, let alone downing our President and his supporters. These teachers are attempting to brainwash children and it has to stop!

In the first video you will hear a teacher of very young children telling them that President Trump probably cheated to win the election. Almost all of the kids join in to down our President except for one little boy, that obviously can’t be brainwashed. As far as the teacher, if anyone knows who she is, please comment! She must be reported and fired!

In the second video, math teacher Shaan Aabaan compares our President and supporters to isis. I have sent this video to Westview High, where Aabaan teaches, and to the school district. It doesn’t appear that they care. See more details here.



  1. Might be the best thing to come out of this plannedemic to keep the children away from these racist commie bastards and hopefully their parents can teach them values and truth

  2. With the shelter in place it is probably good that our children are out of the clutches of some of these faux educators. Children are our future and should/must not be tainted by these biased individuals who espouse ideological ideals.

  3. Teachers shouldn't be in the indoctrination business.

    Not Religion, not Politics.

  4. Fire them if they are spreading propaganda or their own political beliefs. It is not in the curriculum.

  5. Hell thats been going on forever. I first noticed it in the early 70's..kinda after Nixon said good bye. People were shocked again that fishy stuff was happening in the White house. We just went thru the 1960's still Vietnam and moving towards more oil crisis's and the Disco Age in the later 70's.

    Late 60's early 70's is when I noticed the beginnings of people voicing their opinion's about the President.

    Now, one can kiss the ring, turn around and roll their eyes. No respect for much anymore.


  6. That is what Teachers are taught to do. INDOCTRINATE. Look at the books they are not used to teach true facts. This is exactly the plan that HITLER put into effect in his NAZI regime. History repeating itself again.

  7. Ever since our annointed ones in our government took over our schools with the Dept of Education, we've gone down hill, but we allow it, so it's our fault IF all we do is bitch about it without actually constantly calling emailing, protesting, and calling them out to make our official's accountable! Thats how the left has gotten so far ahead of us...they dont let their officials get over on them without publicly raiskng hell. Wr need to fogjg like THEY do!

  8. I remember the day at school they announced Kennedy had been shot. This was fourth maybe fith grade we knew he was the president but there were some kids that got up and cheered. They had been indoctrinated at home. Their backwards cracker rational was he was Catholic and a servant of the Pope. They could not name the Pope or even find Rome on a map. Years later as a teacher I was equally perplexed when kids cheered when Reagan got shot. Children should be seen and not heard and not have opinions at least until they are tax payers. Even then if they are not PAYING taxes their opinions should be kept to themselves. Those of us that actually pay for the rest and their assumed freedoms should have first and best say. This notion of everyone being free and free to have an opinion is payed for by many of us that have made something of ourselves.You can cling to your Constitutional rights but they are bought payed for and protected by achievers above your means.

  9. These teachers should not only be fired, but prosecuted and jailed.


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