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Thursday, May 14, 2020

US Supreme Court Rules with President Trump – Reinstates Law Making It a Felony to Encourage or Help People to Come or Stay in US Illegally

The US Supreme Court reinstated a law making it a felony to allow people to come or stay in the US illegally. The decision was unanimous, 9:0.

The Supreme Court unanimously resurrected a federal law struck down by an appeals court that made it a felony to encourage people to come to or stay illegally in the United States.

The May 7 ruling was a dramatic victory for the Trump administration, which had urged the high court to reverse a 2018 ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. President Donald Trump, who has made immigration his signature issue, also favors reducing both illegal and legal immigration, along with cracking down on illegal aliens.

The problem, according to the Supreme Court, was that the lower court selected activist groups to dominate arguments against the law and then accepted their reasons for why it should be invalidated, even though the defendant herself did not raise those same concerns in her defense.



  1. MAGA!!! If God gave everyone common sense this world would be a better place .Thank Heaven for President Trump!!

  2. Ok, reinstatement of a law. Good.

    Enforcement going to happen with everything else going on?

    Prob not, but at least its back on the books!

  3. Damn, that means 99% of the democratic party will be in jail-hopefully

  4. GOOD!! Now send in federal Marshals to arrest every city council member, mayor, and governor that has said or voted to pass a "Sanctuary" law!

  5. Sanctuary Laws can now be prosecuted! Go get Mr. President!

  6. We cannot take care of our own Homeless and Veteran population and we continue to let people in and give them everything. I see them shopping with EBT cards and not far away wiring money home to where they came from. We need to crack down on all the money that leaves our economy. I will admit at least they are working to have money to send home we have many of our own hanging on the TIT milking it with fraudulent SSI Disability etc. We should deport them too send them south or just get really bold and annex all of Mexico, Central and South America exploit their resources and enslave the population and vanquish their National and Cultural Sovereignty. If people are falling for a Globalist New World Order lets get on with it and stop sitting around just consuming shit from elsewhere and running businesses with cheap labor. We could send our over run prison population and put them to work too taking care of our nursing home population that we could send there as well. It's time we get MEAN and exert our Global Power. It's not Mayberry any more.


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