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Monday, May 11, 2020

US coronavirus deaths top 80,000 and hit 1.3 million as it's revealed a third of fatalities were in nursing homes

The number of people who have died of the coronavirus in the US has now topped 80,000, while the number of cases in the country hits 1.3 million.

On Sunday, the death toll reached 80,308, and it has been revealed nursing home residents and workers now account for a third of these fatalities.

A New York Times database shows that at least 25,600 residents and workers at US nursing homes or long-term care facilities for the elderly have died from coronavirus as of Saturday.

More than 143,000 people were infected with coronavirus at about 7,500 facilities, according to statistics gathered by the newspaper.

There are currently 1,356,650 cases of coronavirus in the U.S.



  1. Lies, lies, lies.

  2. And POTUS states he "is getting great marks". 80,000 dead Americans is considered great to him.

    1. Get a life, you'd probably blame Trump if your car broke down or your house caught on fire.

  3. So 1/3 of deaths were in Nursing Homes?
    We can deduce at least another 1/3 were made up whole cloth since we have learned about the cash incentives to “call it COVID-19”.

    No children with COVID-19, you ask?
    No problem.
    Now there is a new “mystery illness” affecting children. Just announced. Incredible odds against 2 new illnesses happening simultaneously, but none of us can do math anyway.

    They are lying to us!

  4. Well, considering the "smart" people predicted millions of deaths, i guess he IS getting high marks.

  5. Country needs confidence and soon because the in-fighting with politico's and the media isn't helping one bit.

  6. 0.6 percent of the entire population of Wicomico county is infected. That's with all test including the poultry workers. So why is this county still shut down. The numbers are also not 100% correct they show everyone that past away even those that would have past from terminal illnesses regardless of the virus.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: if we were to discount all of the bogus claims of deaths attributed to the Whu Flu, I wonder if the result would be similar to previous flu death rates. This claimed pandemic is benefiting someone either politically or financially or most likely both. You be the judge.


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