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Thursday, May 14, 2020

UPDATE: Crooked Judge Sullivan Appoints Anti-Trump Judge John Gleeson to Decide Flynn Case After He Pens Anti-Flynn WaPo OpEd — 2 Days Ago!

The Barr Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn last Thursday after bombshell documents were released that proved he was framed by Comey’s FBI.

This was a major win for justice in America after General Flynn was targeted and destroyed by the Obama deep state for daring to speak out against the former failed president.

But on Tuesday the Clinton-appointed Judge Emmet Sullivan made a dirty, political move to delay justice for General Mike Flynn.

Judge Sullivan extended the case by soliciting amicus briefs to allow for public comment on Flynn’s criminal case.



  1. This JUDGE should never be on this case. He has incriminated himself by his comments.

  2. Actually this judge should do some time for letting Flynn's case get to a point of injustice. He is guilty of not upholding the law.

  3. Impeach Sullivan.


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