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Friday, May 01, 2020

Trump said he might bring Michael Flynn back to work at White House

President Donald Trump said Thursday he would considering bringing Michael Flynn back to work at the White House and expressed confidence his former national security adviser was going to be cleared.

'I would certainly consider it,' he said at an event in the East Room, when asked if he'd hire Flynn again.

'He will be fully exonerated one way or another, and he would be capable of coming back ,' Trump noted.



  1. And his accusers in jail? Let's start seeing some JAIL TIME for these traitors.

  2. Better yet, make him head of the FBI. He’d give top level management the housecleaning they deserve.


  3. Intel is his specialty, and he would make a superb DNI.

    General Flynn is a patriot and a fine man. He should be restored to a position that honors him and his abilities, and his persecutors/detractors should be fitted with orange jumpsuits.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Appointing him as FBI director would be perfect, 8:50! Best idea I have heard. Wish I had thought of it. What a perfect way of actually reforming the corrupt upper levels of the bureau. I have found that the political appointees such as Comey, assign and promote personnel primarily on their political beliefs when those beliefs coincide with those of the director. It ends up as a Pedomarxist top heavy bureaucracy in DC while those of us down at the working street level put aside our political beliefs and concentrate on the job. Unfortunately even down at the field office level supervisory personnel often interject some of their personal bias into operations, however, it is not as serious an issue as it is at the top levels in DC.

  5. Thank you 11:25, you said that magic word again


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