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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Trump Rejects Renegotiating China Trade Deal: ‘Not Interested’

President Donald Trump on Monday ruled out renegotiating the United States’ trade agreement with China during a Rose Garden press conference amid reports that Beijing seeks more favorable terms during the coronavirus pandemic that it stands accused of attempting to cover up.

REPORTER STEVE HOLLAND: The South China Morning Post, the Beijing newspaper, says China would like to reopen negotiations on the trade deal to make the terms more favorable to them. Is this something you’d be interested in doing?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, not at all. Not even a little bit. I’m not interested. We signed a deal.



  1. Exactly. That’s our president. Proud to have voted for him once and will do so again.

  2. Me too 1:20, waiting for my Trump flag to be delivered. I will fly it right beneath my American flag.

  3. Wait until China calls his 200 million dollar loan in 2021


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