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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Trump has plan to remove US dependency on China supply chain

The Trump administration is “turbocharging” an initiative to remove the US from dependency on a China-based supply chain and weighing imposing new tariffs to punish the Communist Party in Beijing for its response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report on Monday.

The economic damage and death toll from the COVID-19 outbreak has prompted a government-wide plan to shift the supply chain from China — an extension of President Trump’s pledge to return manufacturing jobs to the US.

“We’ve been working on [reducing the reliance of our supply chains in China] over the last few years but we are now turbocharging that initiative,” Keith Krach, undersecretary for economic growth, energy and the environment at the State Department, told Reuters.

“I think it is essential to understand where the critical areas are and where critical bottlenecks exist,” Krach said, adding that the government could announce new action soon.

A number of agencies, including the Commerce and State departments, are looking at how to move the supply chain and manufacturing from China using tax incentives and other measures, the report said.



  1. Do it President Trump!

  2. President Trump has been trying to help the United States every way possible for almost three and a half years, but keep getting blocked by the liberal, socialist, democrats hellbent on destroying this great county. Let's have a day where we all wear either red or blue so that we will know exactly who the enemy is.

  3. IF it says made in china put it down and look for something else.

  4. Just us doing it, lickity split will be hard. Need other nations to do the same.

    Hard part there, WE have always helped others - yet WE never get the same in return. Most times others just look at us and we...just...talk.

  5. In the mean time, boycott ANYTHING from China!

    You hear that Walmart?

  6. Important take away.

    We shut out China, does that mean no more Chinese Food take out?


    2 days until maybe e packed TGIF here in OC!!!!

  7. Good luck with that.

  8. 11:36 right to the point. Chop chop, let's get it done. This is to the point of being absolutely ridiculous.

  9. "Cracker said...
    President Trump has been trying to help the United States every way possible for almost three and a half years, but keep getting blocked by the liberal, socialist, democrats hellbent on destroying this great county. Let's have a day where we all wear either red or blue so that we will know exactly who the enemy is.

    May 6, 2020 at 11:09 AM"

    And President Trump's been saying this for 30 years. That so many Americans can't see he had the best interest of Americans at heart proves what dumbed down ignoramuses many American truly are.

  10. Start with undoing the SmithField sale - force it back to US citizen control!
    Then you can legislate that no less than xx% of critical products have to be made within our borders...

  11. I disagree 2:36. Let Hong Kong have Smithfield. The thing to do is to relax regulations (that were put in place by Big Agribusiness to get rid of competition) to make way for others to open. Our whole meat supply is controlled by 4 or 5 big companies.

  12. Bring it all home. Pay people living wages to make this crap and have them curb the National Pass Time of shopping for shit you don't need that just ends up in landfills. Since this stay at home order people must be cleaning their houses I can't believe all the junk at the curbside .

  13. I've been complaining about all the crap that said made in China for at least the pass 6-8 years to my wife and now people are just now figuring this out?
    Oh and on another thing to all the Amazon shoppers too, 95% or more of the crap Amazon is providing to you all comes from China

  14. Biden said China is no threat and they don’t make anything we need or very little.


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