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Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Unacceptably Unjust Death of George Floyd

The tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer has circulated all over social media in the past two days. It is exceptionally difficult to watch.

The facts leading up to what the video captures have been recounted by numerous media outlets.

Minneapolis police officers arrived Monday evening to arrest Floyd, 46, on suspicion that he had committed forgery. Police said the officers ordered him out of his car, but he physically resisted them.

By the time a bystander begins to record the video, Floyd is handcuffed, face down on the asphalt, and Officer Derek Chauvin is driving a knee into Floyd’s neck with what often appears to be his full body weight.



  1. Sad the reaction is like rabid dogs. If violence is what is needed they are no better than the cop who killed. If they want violence met with violence Then the president is right Send in troops to help and give the order to shoot. There can be no sympathy for wild animals.

  2. That's not what happened in the videos I saw. Floyd was in the driver's seat of a vehicle. That vehicle was also occupied by a male in the front passenger seat and a female in the rear passenger side seat. When they did place Floyd under arrest as he sat in the vehicle, some force by one officer was used to get him out of the car. Floyd was handcuffed and walked over to the sidewalk where he was asked to and did sit on the ground. A minute of two later, police helped Floyd up to his feet and escorted him across the street to where the officer's marked police vehicle was parked. What happened then is unknown since the video everyone has seen doesn't start until we see the police officer with his knee on Floyd's neck. By the way, that restraining techniques is one taught by the Minneapolis Police Department and employed by officers trained to use it. Should the officer with his knee in Floyd's neck got up when he heard Floyd say he couldn't breathe? I would say yes from what I know, but as I wrote there was a lot that happened before the video began that I and others are unaware of. The autopsy of Floyd shows Floyd didn't die from being suffocated or asphyxiated, he died because he had serious underlying health conditions like coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and intoxicants in his system. While the optics of the video and death of Floyd aren't good ones, when dealing from a fact based position, instead of an emotional of visceral one, things suddenly take on a different appearance. And don't forget boys and girls, when a police officer tells you you are under arrest, it's not up for debate. You resist, you efforts will be futile. There's a time and place for everything. Making your case by resisting police officers on the street isn't the time or the place.

    1. He would still be alive if not for the knee

    2. Same goes if not for the alleged crime, wouldn't you think?

    3. And you know that how? Did you do the autopsy or were you at the site of this incident. Are you going to go to bat for China for their terror? I could go on but you get my drift even though you probably don’t understand it. It’s a free world as of now so keep on Monday morning quarterbacking.

  3. Let them destroy the city , I think it's great to see the looters proving what they really are . These looters can even use a sentence or spell loot , Yoo mamma.

  4. I know a guy (passenger in a vehicle) that put a mint in his mouth during a Traffic stop. He was choked by the throat immediately, thrown to the ground and kneed so hard he crapped his pants. By a stupid cop for a tic tac. Worchester County.

    1. I believe this!

    2. Actions like that is why people have no respect 9:46

  5. The riots are a false flag event with multiple locations. It's forcing a narrative shift away from DECLAS. Trump warned he would expose the unConstitutional acts of our own Government officials and agents, and he did. Now the documents are being released, it's win at all costs whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.

    They will continue to provoke Americans with sensationalistic violence, and in the attempt, do not be surprised that some are. The sad part is Soros will supply the shooters, too, who likely have already posted manifestos, and surprisingly, are already known to local authorities and the FBI. "America failed to keep White Right Wing Machinegun Owning Racists from shooting innocent peaceful demonstrators."

    Ignore the burning Precinct in the background, which officials ordered to be evacuated. You will pay taxes to rebuild an even nicer one and won't object. "There is nothing you can do, nothing will happen. " post all the Doomers. Ignore them.

    We know better, we know too much, and we are going to know a lot more. Their playbook is wash rinse repeat and we've been down this road before.

    This is why we need to keep cool, cozy, and go about our da

  6. 9:47 AM - Thanks for that post.

  7. 9:47 Truth✔️

  8. In 1976 just got out of the service 4 years in the Marines, I was prepping the lot for 7/11 Rt. fifty .I was grading the lot with a bulldozer to my right I saw a State Trooper car stop a young white man, I couldn't belive what the trooper did he pulled the man out of the car started banging his head on the drip rail of the car, the man went limp the trooper keep banging his head. I jumped off the dozer ran over and stopped the cop for beating the guy , the young man fell to the ground, the cop pulled the gun on me said he was going to kill me. I told him you got one on the ground an your going to shoot me. I took his gun an threw in under the car. Outher people seen what was going on an stoped the young man was taken to Pgh he surivered I was confronted a little later buy five Cop cars sheriff they started telling me what they were going to do to me. I stood my ground they left. I got a phone call later in the evening, It was the Mayor of Chrisfield he wanted to thank me for saving his sons life, I was asked to go to court about it, The State Cop was fired. Almost forgot he was stoped for going ten miles an hour over. Ferguson was the cop.

  9. who was it NEWTON

  10. "Anonymous said...
    He would still be alive if not for the knee

    May 30, 2020 at 3:36 PM"

    What an absurd statement. Fact is YOU don;t know this nor does anyone else. There is no proof of this.

  11. Lesson > Don't Blame everybody else for What They did !!!!

    Nobody else of ANY color had anything to do with it !!! FACT

  12. He swallowed drugs and overdosed

  13. bottom line don't resist. I don't care for kops but it's a thankless job. better to go to court and let the judge settle it! if the kop is a loser then it'll come out!
    Again where are the citizen review boards? every community should have one. until then it's the fox watching the hen house! should also be a national database of bad kops so they cant just move along to another jurisdiction!

  14. The autopsy contradicts...

    "he died because he had serious underlying health conditions like coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and intoxicants in his system."

  15. All of this could be avoided if he had not resisted arrest. I am 68 years old and have never had a confrontation with the police. Why? Simply because 1) I don't commit crimes. 2) I don't try resist or fight a police officer. If he tells me to do something I do it. ItsI just that simple. Don't do illegal acts and don't resist arrest. There is plenty of time later to give your side of the incident.

  16. If Floyd had been WHITE , he would NOT have made the news !! FACT
    Bunch of Racists Blacks in this country are the Problem, not Whites !!!!


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