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Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Perpetual Lies of Salisbury Mayor Jacob Day


I am wondering if you’d be willing to help us out. On May 02nd, the ReopenMD coalition organized a cross-state rally ending in Salisbury. We had planned to rally in the empty parking lot of The Centre to showcase all of the closed businesses these unconstitutional closures are causing. As you know, these restrictions by Hogan are hurting hundreds of thousands of Marylanders, including small business owners like yourself. Our goal is to Reopen these small businesses so people can retain their livelihoods and feed their families .

Salisbury police got word of the rally and BoyMayor had SBY police block access to the mall parking lot. ReopenMD quickly gained word of this and switched their location to the Hobby Lobby/Kohl’s parking lot. There was easily between 200-300 cars and at least 500 people. Jake Day went on Facebook that evening and told a myriad of lies, many that were completely made up out of thin air. I have a long list of his refuted lies here that I will post. Most of these lies have video evidence to refute. If you could, please post this to your esteemed and respected blog, we would greatly appreciate it:

Now we are going to set the record straight with all the BLATANT LIES in the Facebook live by Mayor Jake Day after our rally on 5/2/20.

1) “City of Salisbury didn’t prevent entrance to mall”

This is false. The Mayor directed the City Police to block off all entrances and they did. You can ask the Chuck E Cheese Manager

2) Day claims they notified our organization that we could use the empty portion of Centre Drive.

This is false. No such offer was ever made to the leadership team

3) “MSP followed them from Frederick to Salisbury.”

True, and I guess you believe a police state is ok?

4) “Only 42 vehicles amounted to pretty much of nothing.”

False- We left Frederick with 265 vehicles and more joined in at Kent Island, Easton, Cambridge & Salisbury area.

5) “Officer notified some of us that we were not social distancing & would be arrested. “

False- many families came together and they do not have to social distance from each other and any arrest for this would of been unconstitutional as social distancing is not and never will be a law.

6) “We all want businesses open and there is nothing brave about gathering when a virus is being spread.”

False- The whole purpose of ReOpen Maryland is to get our state opened while maintaining CDC guidelines. We chose the mall location to highlight the shear number of businesses shut down. We also planned on supporting local businesses while there & unfortunately we weren’t able to help Chuck E Cheese who had $5 pizzas and now as of yesterday are closed. Also, there is zero scientific evidence that the virus can spread outside, especially amongst all healthy people. So no Mayor Day you don’t care about businesses being opened.

7) We don’t do this because we are “brave”; we do this because this is an Unconstitutional lockdown and it’s killing our economy as well as many lives through suicide and substance abuse.

8)“privileged few from western side of bridge”

False- we are an organically grown group on social media, not funded by anyone, who want this state to ReOpen so people have jobs to return to. Every person in the group is affected by this shutdown in some way or another. I find it completely unacceptable for you as a Mayor to make such a statement. I hope you have no plans on a state level office. Your video will stay on file. “Privilege” is being able to sit in an office, getting a paycheck, while mocking others who are being plunged into poverty.

9) We are a “very small minority”.

False- 25,000 in less than 3 weeks is not small. First lawsuit has been filed against the Governor.

10) “Couple dozen people”

False- since cars don’t drive themselves we know this is false. Several hundred people at rally.

11) Sheriff Mike Lewis was contacted prior to rally and he supports our Constitutional right to assembly. We also have a Constitutional right to address our grievances with elected officials so we were grateful for Andy Harris to speak and also be available to here from constituents.

The lesson in all of this would possibly be that the Mayor take a course in understanding the US Constitution.


  1. Why is it that every time you see Jack gay, she has her hand on her hips pose ?

    1. Superman complex— It’s a thing.

  2. From the well informed message about, you appear to be a great organization. Well wishes for any upcoming events. Be safe

  3. what did MacArthur say about Roosevelt? he would never tell the truth if a lie would suffice! same thing here. Boytoy soldier never speaks the truth. this is what you get when you elect democrats. what did you expect?

  4. Well the mayors a jackass that only got elected because no one turned out to vote🤷‍♀️ Great job “bury”🙄

    1. "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes..." Stalin

  5. I 100% believe you and support your organization. Jake is an embarrassment to the city of Salisbury. Unfortunately the small (and large) businesses owners in Salisbury will suffer under his leadership. Give it a year and see ho many more businesses will close in his area.

  6. There is no accountability in American government. That’s on both sides of the aisle. It’s disgusting. The 2 party system needs to go. We’ve got a lot more in common than we do differences. The parties have the power and need to go. Trump ran as a Republican but would’ve as an independent if the party didn’t embrace him and that would’ve killed their chance at the White House. It’s time for America to be for the people again. It shouldn’t take millions of dollars to run for office. It’s time for people to rethink campaigning using free social media only.

    1. No - the 2 party would work well if we have term limits. Just like the President - 4 years. There are too many career politicians that have old ideas and are on the take. They are called the swamp. 4 years than re-election for 4 more years - then OUT.

  7. He's just butt hurt because the turn out was greater than the crowds at the NFF.

  8. He lies about everything and acts like he cares. Remember when he posed with 1st responders for a picture after the Easter parade ? He said 20 seconds before that they were in protective gear and took it off for a picture. He is a joke.

  9. He lies about everything. Ask him why he is not wearing his wedding ring and he will tell you it didnt fot lol

  10. If the planned event had been Bars only trying to get reopened then the Boy Mayor would have been in agreement and you would not have been blocked, or if it had been all Gay establishments he would have been right there. Try having bar, and gay establishments there next time.

  11. Bob Aswell...RealistMay 7, 2020 at 8:30 AM

    This is what happens when you elect a 'kid' to a sensitive position in government. Although mistakes in perception occur all the time the dolt Day is lost for capability with delusions of grandeur. Because he doesn't have the experience in management on this scale, he's little more than a harpy for whoever who's backing him with their hand up his ass. Sad for the people of Salisbury for they are the losers. Day is leading them down a path of incompetence and the things that have transpired is a grim reminder of how important ones vote really is.

    Fueled by a minority coalition, the moves such as the 'tent city' on the West side if you notice was a flop and a throwback to his national guard citizen soldier supposedly 'ranger' training which makes him a legend in his 'own' mind and one more on the list of 'kiddie' wisdom.

    I remember the 'old Salisbury' which was guided by the now absent and have faded away in history. These were men whose moves were well thought out and executed for the good of the electorate. No so today because all the government we get now is a 'willy nilly' anything goes affair because of the mental deficiency of boy wonders struck from the same molds as Day. Look at the handling of the quarantine by Hogan and his suppression of those who dare to disagree with him. Communism at its best enforced by a gaggle of jack booted thugs.

    Realize when you vote this is what makes stories such as the ones Albero relates on a steady basis... All with the same product, NOT GOOD for the ordinary citizen who furnishes the money for these escapades into lunacy that makes life Hell on Earth.

  12. Salisbury residents elected this guy, they get what they deserve. MD has become a liberal, commie state, I left that shithole 21 years ago because I saw the writing on the wall. You reap what you sow.

  13. I want the mayor to take a course in RESIGNATION!

  14. Wow. So he really is a phony liar. Ok, so it’s game on. Let’s copy then paste this into the comments every time he has his desperate “look at me” trying to be relevant for his future run for higher office (we are nothing more than a stepping stone) Facebook sessions. Flood the comments. Oh and hope he doesn’t wear a tight t-shirt again because no one really wants to see his moobs . Disillusionment has set in. It’s time to push back.

  15. Lol, lies to his wife the same way! It’s disgusting the way he treats humans. I seriously think something happened in his childhood. Think about it ???

  16. Lol, lies to his wife the same way! It’s disgusting the way he treats humans. I seriously think something happened in his childhood. Think about it ???

  17. He is a navy seal and knows what he is talking about. You can’t blame him because his wife buys drugs from high school students that she is in charge of.

    1. Navy Seal? Huh? Is that another lie he told?

  18. we ALL want our businesses open? That right there is a lie. If day wanted businesses open then he would have been out front and vocal about saying businesses should have remained open with restrictions. There was no reason to close most businesses. Limiting the number of people in could have been the rule or curb side. As far as salons go it could have been one or two stylists taking turns different days of the week. day is the poster child of the area for why it is imperative that parents act like parents and nip the lying in the bud early.

  19. Jealous and angry little man with no friends.

    No Jakie - you are not wanted in OC either!

  20. Jake is angling for a spot on a future Democratic ticket. Lies will show that he posses the qualities that the DOC values and looks for in its leaders.

  21. 9:15 He's no navy seal!! He couldn't hold the jock strap of a SEAL. Wait a minute, maybe he could!

  22. 9:15 am He is not a Navy Seal or anything similar. He is a low ranking MD Army National Guardsman with a wannabe haircut and an office decorated as if he actually had military experience.

    1. You are so on point. He tells folks he’s being deployed when he actually signed up to go oversees. Willing to leave his family to make himself look better for potential career advancement. What a loser!

  23. back when he got into that Facebook spat over the protesters wearing camo to an event. He actually typed that the guard was better trained and prepared than active duty members. At that point I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would literally say anything with zero regard for the truth.

  24. By what authority does he close the mall property, part of which is county owned, and the other private. Overstepping much?

  25. So let me get this straight??? the guy who posed close together with a bunch of people for a parade, now blocks off the mall and tells people (family members) who are standing close to one another that he is going to lock them up?

    What about the businesses that have outside access from the mall ? The only place closed is the inner courtyard portion? How can he block off that space from people reporting to work and customer's picking up????

  26. If you went a "local restaurant" and made purchases for the "Quarantine Bingo" he would not have had a problem. As how many took part, if you take your 25,000 vs the 6 million people "living in Maryland" it is a rather small number.

  27. Sorry you had to meet, even indirectly, Salisbury's mayor with the Napoleon Complex. Oh, before you left the Salisbury area, were you able to enjoy some of the new bike lanes?

  28. Gay Day with the butch haircut is a disgrace to the city.

  29. "Salisbury police got word of the rally and BoyMayor had SBY police block access to the mall parking lot."

    Don't forget he got Lockdown Larry's State Police officers to assist Salisbury's Security Guard's ran buy Cheef Dunkin.

  30. InvictusV said...
    back when he got into that Facebook spat over the protesters wearing camo to an event. He actually typed that the guard was better trained and prepared than active duty members. At that point I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would literally say anything with zero regard for the truth.

    May 7, 2020 at 10:37 AM

    You mean when he called those veterans in camo at the Virginia Capitol, "goobers?"

  31. Funny how the property owner asked SPD to keep the protest off their property and the mayor is to blame .

  32. Do you all realize you can disagree or even dislike someone and not be a homophobe about it?

  33. That is false. Reopen Maryland SPOKE to the property owner. He had nothing to do with closing off the mall parking lot (he doesn’t even live in MD). Easily fact checked, and I do believe it’s in the text of this post as well.

  34. Disgusting little creep. I served my country. This person is a total disgrace to the uniform. Shame on Salisbury for giving him a platform.


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