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Monday, May 04, 2020

The 1918 Flu Epidemic on the Eastern Shore by Angela Rieck

The 1918 “Spanish” influenza (ironically most scientists believe it started in the United States) is the most famous pandemic in America. While we are living through our own pandemic, it is interesting to learn how our predecessors fared in the 1918 and 1919 influenza outbreak.



  1. Spanish Flu came from a military lab in Kansas
    Forget scientists - learn from Historians

  2. 10:12 stupidest thing I've heard all day.

  3. It was the perfect storm. Infected military soldiers, sailors and marines traveling country and worldwide in the last year of WWI, living in the cramped quarters of war and transport ships, boats, tents, barracks and trenches. At war's end, draftees were processed in groups of hundreds and sent home to nearly every town and city in America. Those who remained in service got similar homecoming processing, then took leave to be with families in every corner of the nation. Most of both groups traveled by crowded train and bus. Long distance travel by car wasn't yet a thing. There was no social distancing. Who knew? Medicine had no defenses against viruses. Treatment was only supportive in this time before antivirals and respirators. Hospitals were not built or equipped to manage the numbers. Civilians did not fare well. Hospital care was out of pocket. There was no Medicare, no Medicaid. Most people were wage earners or small business owners. Illness and death meant the loss of income for entire families, the breakup of families put in dire economic peril, the loss of everything. There was no Social Security, few people had death insurance. As a people, we recovered, got through the grief and repopulated. We survived.

    So. what did we learn?

  4. Now that politics have taken over I don't trust anyone who "knows" where the Coronavirus originated.We the public are subjected to narratives beyond our control and who knows what is or isn't correct?

  5. 11:18
    Unfortunately she is correct.
    The virus came from a military lab in Kansas and this fact is well documented.

    Wake up


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