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Friday, May 08, 2020

Texas' Anti-Climactic Reopening: Malls & Restaurants Empty, Beaches & Parks Packed

As predicted, even when the economy finally opens back up across the US, the severe hit which has already seen a number of major retailers file for bankruptcy - with Nieman Marcus being the latest Thursday, it won't mark the end of the financial pain.

Take Texas, an early state to rapidly east pandemic restrictions and hoped for test case in terms of seeing its economy roar back to life: as of last Friday during a 'phase 1' reopening malls, department stores, restaurants, and even movie theaters were able to finally open their doors (these are all allowed 25% of capacity seating per phase 1 restrictions).

And yet, as Reuters details while visiting the major metropolitan Domain mall in Austin, Texas, customers are still staying home, hardly to be seen.



  1. Stick it Joe.

    You kill 60% of my posts because you don't like my point of view.

    That makes you as bad as your fag buddy Jake.

  2. Maybe because everybody is broke.

  3. People have realized they don't need to spend money to enjoy life. I hope this is a permanent attitude adjustment, and more people save and invest instead of living on credit at the edge of financial distress just to have more "stuff".

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Initial appearances indicate that the Whu Flu hoax and subsequent panic has the bed wetting elements of our society still afraid to go out in public. It amazes me that so many people do not critically analyze and evaluate issues like the “pandemic” when so much information is available to them. It is no wonder that they are so easily manipulated into panic mode by politicians and globalists who have sinister goals planned and being able to control and manage the herd makes their goals easier to accomplish. Part of the Whu Flu panic is a conditioning effort to see just how far they can push their agenda and another part is to make us as dependent on their form of government by manipulation of supplies, medical treatment, as well as dictating where you can travel and what activities you can engage in. This has been a tremendous overreach of power and believe me, it has been a test to see how far they can go without civil uprisings and bloodshed. We are on the brink however, I am not sure if current Americans are such a diluted society that they will be unable to unite and force the changes necessary to return to being governed by the tenants of our constitution.


  5. For restaurants, this compounds the disaster. Mother's Day is hands down the busiest day of the year for diners and revenue. Just not going to happen this year for almost all restaurants.

  6. Have some cheese with that WHINE 927.

    Now head to the beach and walk in the middle of the boardwalk - the view is much better there.

    While you're at it, try to get your point of view across.

    Please take pictures and send them this way - we'd love to see your vantage point.


  7. Maybe people who have been stuck at home have been forced to look at all their stuff for 24/7 and realized they don't need more stuff. Really, what do you need at the mall, that you can't order online and have delivered? That cuts out the stress of driving there, finding a place to park, dealing with non-existent customer service all to find out they don't have what you are looking for. The mall is good for indoor walking exercise when the weather is bad.


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