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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Speaker Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill Includes Billions For Eligible Illegal Aliens

Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced her party’s coronavirus relief package, which includes billions of dollars in carve-outs for eligible illegal aliens, grants to sanctuary cities and other protections for the undocumented community.

House Democrats released the HEROES Act on Tuesday, a bill that provides $3 trillion in stimulus funds to state and local governments, along with other industries affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The legislation — which was not negotiated with the GOP or the Trump administration — includes $500 billion for state governments and $375 billion for local governments.



  1. NO nancy US FAMILY FIRST..REMEMBER they are not supposed to be here...maybe ill jump the borders and go vote in canada, mexico, hell lets all move to venezala and vote those commies out...
    Cant fix democrat stupidty but we can try TRUMP 2020

  2. 🖕🖕🖕Her.

  3. Now we are seeing the purpose of the virus over-reaction. It was not an accidental over-reaction. It wasn’t done because someone or some group of bureaucrats were stupid.

    The Virus Event is a false flag attack on the US Constitution. Period.

    The Central Bankers will have a Totalitarian Government and will exercise a monopoly over everything.

  4. Remember that scene at the end of the movie Poltergeist when all those rotting, moldy skeletons were exploding out of the ground all over the place? Here's the question: how is it possible that Piglosi manages to look WORSE than ALL of them??? And she - I mean IT - is still alive!

  5. Somebody please stop this B**ch.!

  6. Pelosi again lying. This BILL is not for the American Family. This Bill is not for legal US Families. Pelosi and the Democrat Socialist are still pushing illegals rights that they do not have.

    Democrats are looking out for the Rich "elite" of her Third Reich socialism. Pelosi is always stating no more bailouts for corporations and here she is suggesting $2 trillion in bailouts for them.

  7. Well in every situation follow the money is true. Who does this benifits. The Dems, with votes.The Dems don't like Trump. Why, Is he interfering with how they make their money? Sure he is.Lets bring industries back to America, oh yes make them practice Morales with how they treat employees and the workers need to not be led by the unions.

  8. Mark my words...they are throwing their treasonous acts right in our face. There will be a call to arms soon...smh….mho

  9. What is an eligible illegal? Doesn't the fact that they're illegal make them INELIGIBLE?


  10. How is an illegal alien eligible for anything other than an eviction order and escort to the nearest border?

    We want and welcome legal immigrants, but illegals need to go and seek legal entry from back home.


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