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Friday, May 22, 2020

South Carolina election ballots reportedly found in Maryland this week

South Carolina election ballots reportedly ended up in Maryland this week, after mail-in voting for the Palmetto State’s June 9 primary has already begun, according to local news reports.

South Carolina election officials may cut ties with the company they used, Minnesota printer SeaChange, over the mix-up after about 20 Charleston County absentee ballots were found outside the state, the reports say.

Election officials say this isn’t the first absentee ballot issue they’ve had with the company, which prints and mails ballots for 13 South Carolina counties.

Some voters in Greenville County received the wrong absentee ballots when the Democratic presidential primary and the special election for sheriff were held just 10 days apart, Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire told the Post and Courier. Voters in Charleston received ballots that were folded in a way that made them tough to read by scanning machines.

In a year that will see record numbers of absentee voting due to the coronavirus pandemic, the election integrity of absentee voting has become a major issue.




  1. Surprise! Surprise!

  2. Replies
    1. Nothing to do with china. Come on dude, you don't really believe that do you?

  3. Were they already filled in?

  4. Of course they did....and I haven't drank that much yet. WOOOHOOOO

  5. This whole concept is FRAUGHT with corruption and a train wreck waiting to happen.

  6. Election fraud is so easy and my family does it every four years. Our four children were registered to vote when they lived at home and attended SU. They eventually graduated (thank God) and moved. One went to Virginia, two to Pennsylvania and the last one to Texas. They are still on the voting rolls here and every four years they request absentee ballots to be mailed back home here and my husband and I fill them out. They also vote in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Texas. And that's how it's done!

  7. Democrats willfully attempting to stuff the ballot boxes and commit voter fraud.


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