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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Rich Lowry dismantles WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin's claim that right-wing dismissal of Stacey Abrams is racist

National Review editor Rich Lowry had a brutal response to Washington Post columnistJennifer Rubin after she suggested that his dismissal of potential Democratic VP candidate Stacey Abrams was based on her race.

On Wednesday, Rubin penned a piece in defense of the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate titled, "Gosh, what could be behind the right’s hatred of Stacey Abrams?"

"There is now a whole genre of right-wing punditry declaring, in hysterical and angry tones, that Stacey Abrams would be the worst pick in the history of vice-presidential picks. No, really," Rubin began her piece. "The people who defend their vote for President Trump, who support the most unqualified Cabinet in history and who think political experience is overrated now see a catastrophe if the former minority leader of the Georgia state House, the founder of Fair Fight and Fair Count and a rising star in the Democratic Party is picked as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee."

Rubin then pointed to a column Lowry had written in the New York Post on Monday rejecting the serious consideration of Abrams as Joe Biden's running mate.



  1. Liberals are simpletons with a one track mind.

  2. It has nothing to do with race. It is because Abrams is a big fat pig, tunnel toothed idiot with ZERO accomplishments.

    1. 510...

      I think that is Governor Hogans Sister....

      Be careful in what you say about her....

      Hogan may send his Brown shirts to raid your home

    2. Ditto on the big fat pig

  3. Calling her a "rising star" of the Democrat party speaks volumes of what the party is and where it's going (and gone) in terms of leadership.
    They'll be turning this into a racist issue, a sexist issue, and whatever else that avoids the fact that she's a know-nothing, racist, poor loser blowhard, ill suited to lead either a state or, God forbid, a nation.

    1. Look you low life peons, my name is Stacey and my game is to be a free loading politician. I have no qualifications or anything to run on, but I am black, dumb, and oh another good thing I can be identified as female in the state of Georgia. Therefore vote for me and I’ll set you free. Govment will pay you for everything and everything will be paid for you by Govment. Dat’s how I gots so fat so fast. Did I says I am woman?


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