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Friday, May 15, 2020

Pro LGBT Stripper Performs For Children


  1. Great role model for young children

  2. This is stupid.

    Did anyone care to watch the video instead of just assuming the headline was just true?

    Pole dancing isn't just for strippers anymore... and if anyone cared to actually watch the video you will see that it was a delicate and beautiful performance set to the song "Halelujah".

    Gyms have pole dancing exercise classes, people have them installed in their homes for exercise.

    Nowhere was there any promotion or discussion of LGBT anything.

    People, we have to be better than this. Just stop it all ready with all the fake and false virtue signalling and the fake and false outrage. Just stop.

  3. This is SICK!...PERIOD!!!! I dont care where you stand on the political platform....this s#%t is SICK, and SHOULD NEVER be tolerated when PUSHED on children! If you're gay, trans, straight,or whatever, that's your business, and I TRULY dont care, BUT the moment you PUSH this on children, its OUT OF LINE!!! NO EXCUSE for this. What you do in private, if its not hirting someone, fine, but children DONT need, nor SHOULDNT have this crap confusing their minds.

  4. Are these parents completely crazy?

  5. My son & I were there. Great show.

    1. Now he knows what he wants to be when he grows up πŸ˜‚ LGBT pole dancer - yesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Chalk up another reason to homeschool.

  7. We didn't have this when I was in second grade!

  8. This is stupid.

    Did anyone care to watch the video instead of just assuming the headline was just true?

    Pole dancing isn't just for strippers anymore... and if anyone cared to actually watch the video you will see that it was a delicate and beautiful performance set to the song "Halelujah".

    Gyms have pole dancing exercise classes, people have them installed in their homes for exercise.

    Nowhere was there any promotion or discussion of LGBT anything.

    People, we have to be better than this. Just stop it all ready with all the fake and false virtue signalling and the fake and false outrage. Just stop.

    1. Fitnastics, ramba are also a fotrm of art and excercise. Don't see little children gathered around to watch that at all. You must be a pole dancer student with a newly pole installed in your home - yesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. I saw all I needed to see when I saw IT squatting down, legs wide open, etc. And the fact that, its NOT about dancing or anything else except PUSHING LGBT into lil young minds! KIDS dont need sexual preference of any kind shoved into their faces. They're KIDS, they'll one day become young adults, and then they'll be able to more clearly digest, and make their own decisions! You can call it pole dancing, fitness, identity freedom, or any name you choose, but that's s farce, you know it, and I know it...the SAD part is the KIDS don't know it. LET THEM BE KIDS....no agendas!

  9. 11:52 I watched the video, I saw a pride flag in the background. I am a younger male and she’s absolutely gorgeous but that’s not something kids should be watching. That’s something adults, who can make their own decisions could be watching if they desire to. I can tell you my kids wouldn’t of been there, I want them to be a kid, not worry about politics or worry about what these people want the world to become. I want to teach my kids morals and respect so that they can grow up and be something someday not watch this trashy mess.

  10. Okay, I watched it. It's not Cirque d'Soleil, but nor is it totally roadhouse. You'll see more crotch in couples figure skating

    1. Why 2nd graders? What's the motive? 😝😝😝

  11. Typical democrat stunt. All democrats are nasty perverts. They love bill the cigar inserter and hill the rapist enabler. They love old man biden the finger rapist and his son Hunter who likes to rent private space in the NYC strip joint the Hustler Club and have strippers jam sex toys up his a$$. So why would this surprise anyone?

  12. 11:52 there is nothing beautiful about pole dancing It's low class.

    1. Agree. Keep it were it belongs - Strip clubs.

  13. 11:12 Pole dancing might not be for just strippers anymore but it is for wanna be strippers. if you think sitting around with your legs spread wide open and hanging from a pole with your legs spread wide open is one bit beautiful and delicate then your parents (or whoever it was that raised you) were utter failures. It's crude and gross.

  14. Waiter, this is not what I ordered. CHECK PLEASE!!!

  15. Disgusting! Parents should have removed their children from exposure to this filth!

  16. Daddys will enjoy it !!!

  17. Pretty crappy striper, the places I go to in Delaware show the boobies and sometimes the best parts!

    Jake D.

  18. AS the old Wendy's ad used to ask, "Where's the Meat"? This is not much of a show. I've seen more in OC during senior week! Those teen girls can't show enough to get all the attention they want!


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