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Monday, May 11, 2020

Pelosi: Vote-by-Mail Will Be in Next Coronavirus Stimulus

Sunday on “Full Court Press,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told host Greta van Susteren vote-by-mail would be in the next coronavirus stimulus legislation.

Pelosi said, “Well, let me stay a couple of things. First of all, I’m proud of our state of California. Jerry Brown, when he left, scores of billions of dollars of surplus. That’s all gone because of the virus. That’s all gone because of the virus. So, to those who make that charge about, ‘oh, they had problems before,’ it has nothing to do with that. This is strictly, what are your outlays for the coronavirus? What is your revenue loss for the coronavirus? That’s what has the support of Democratic and Republican governors across the country. It strictly about this, and it’s about nothing else. It has nothing to do with anything else in the budget of the governors. And we will come and our bill, also have funding for vote by mail, which we think is essential and supported by Republicans across the country. They like voting by mail. They have more of a habit of voting by mail.”



  1. GET that $$$$$$$ coming this week !!! Quit the Bullshhhht !!!!!

  2. 👎👎👎👎👎

  3. Vote by mail - yet the gov't can't do a census correctly?
    Vote by mail - yet the postal service is hemorrhaging AGAIN?
    Vote by mail - yet the last stim went to many dead people?
    Vote by mail - you're kidding right?

    Oh thats right, an EIGHTY year old is making this suggestion.


  4. PASS the Damn $$$$$$$$$$$ Bills !!!! For Real America !!! No PORK

  5. It will ONLY be in the bill IF Republicans allow it to be! Remember that fellow conservitives, libertarians, independents, etc. It can ONLY happen OF our Republican representatives allow it to....May I suggest ALL of us call, email, knock on their doors....whatever it takes to let them know WE DONT APPROVE! Thank you, and have a good evening!

  6. If you can stand in line at Wal-Mart, Lowe's, Home Depot, Ect, Ect. You can stand in line to vote. Oh....and don't forget your I.D. !!!!!!

  7. I.D. only required if you're white.

  8. AOC said that ballets should also be mailed to surviving family members of deceased voters so they can fill them out for the dead voter. She said the close family member will know how the dead person would have voted in November and so they should still have a vote as a last act.


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