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Monday, May 18, 2020

PBS Stations Partnered With Chinese Foreign Agent on Pro-Beijing Film

PBS affiliates that receive millions of dollars in federal funding each year are airing a pro-Beijing documentary produced in conjunction with CGTN, a Chinese government-controlled media outlet that is registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department.

The film “Voices from the Frontline: China’s War on Poverty” did not disclose CGTN’s links to the Chinese government, nor did it detail the ties that the film’s producer, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, has to Chinese officials and the government’s State Council Information Office, which specializes in foreign propaganda.

The one-hour documentary touts Chinese President Xi Jinping’s initiative to alleviate poverty in China by this year.

PBS and other publicly-funded news outlets like NPR have come under fire in recent years, with conservatives pushing to de-fund the organizations over a perceived liberal bias. Other news outlets have come under scrutiny for publishing propaganda promoted by the Chinese government.

KCET received $5.6 million in funding from CPB in 2019, according to CPB records.



  1. CCTV stuff is on SUCKCAST cable way up the dial anyways... We don't watch it obviously, but I suppose there is a spy out there decoding messages with their tin-foil hat and coax cable up their butts.

    PBS? just give us kids programming, the 4th of July special (although you have included taped highlights of fireworks when the weather is bad) and most importantly - keep giving us the very nice Chesapeake Bay shows coming.

    The rest of the stuff, well non-profit stop getting our TAXPAYER $$$$$$. There you go, I don't want them, but I want them.

    "Oh but ain't that America, for you and me
    Ain't that America, we're something to see baby
    Ain't that America, home of the free, yeah
    Little pink houses for you and me, oh for you and me"

    (1983 PINK HOUSES - John COUGAR Mellencamp)

  2. Never forget that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funnels your tax dollars to NPR/PBS and the local radio and tv stations- got 75 MILLION in emergency funding - and there is another bill to give them even more.

    Now- Salisbury University has a public radio station and so does the University of Maryland Eastern Shore...how much stimulus money have these stations received? How much of our tax dollars have been sucked up? How much of a student's tuition is used to support leftwing propaganda? Personally, they can be as left wing as they want- that's their affair-BUT- they cant take my money to do it. Also- if the liberals value these stations why dont they just pay for them? Aren't they supposed to be "listener supported"?

    Also dont forget the MASSIVE amount they got funneled a few years ago by Norm Conway.

    Finally- notice these "unbiased" stations have done NO reporting AT ALL on the race situation at SU- we STILL don't know who wrote the graffiti, do we?

  3. The pres and administration of PBS should be tried as war criminals for treason.


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