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Monday, May 04, 2020



  1. Tests, tests, tests!!!
    Where are they

  2. The Politians who are not in DC Today should have their pay and all benefits taken.

    1. should be given the option work or step down from position. Screams they're not essential at all haha

  3. Why should they go back to work with over 300 bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Seems like the Senate has some past due work to do

    1. Think about that for just a few moments.

      Did you? All the current laws on the books not being enforced, yet the house answer to productivity is to bog down folks with more bills (proposed laws). Do you really think the 300 or however many bills are really to benefit you/me/we the people? OR!! Is it possible this is a strategy of effort to prevent the current administration from being as successful as they could otherwise, all the while trying to provide themselves a talking point and try to justify the "what are they really doing" question. Call me what you will, just acknowledge the objective thinking (not that truly objective thinking is even possible on many things)

  4. Yeah because McConnel doesn't like the Trump administration dealing directly with Dems in the house. He also wants to make sure his little protege the judge gets put in.

  5. Man come on ..those Bums haven't work a single day in their life in Congress !

  6. Well, we should REFUSE to go back to work just like they do & make them
    Keep on Paying Us , alot more $$$$$ !!!!

    There should be a 1200.00 ck for May June Jul Aug passed this week , so
    Get it DONE !!! that's Per Person

    1. Get back to work you lazy welfare loaf.

  7. Any proposed bill by the House cannot be taken seriously. They are a joke. Fire all and start again. Term limits - the answer. PS Trump didn't go into hiding.


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