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Friday, May 29, 2020

'On Trump's watch': Clinton blames Trump as country surpasses 100,000 coronavirus deaths

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lashed out at President Trump after the United States reported the coronavirus death toll surpassed 100,000 earlier this week.

Writing to Twitter on Thursday, Clinton criticized the president for sharing a controversial video by Cowboys for Trump before accusing Trump of failing to respond to the coronavirus appropriately.

"Over the last 24 hours, the 100,000th American died of COVID-19 on Trump’s watch," Clinton tweeted. "He’s spent the last 24 hours sharing videos that begin 'The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat' while complaining Twitter’s censoring him. We need a real president."



  1. Thank God that you're not it, Hillary.

  2. Didnt matter who was in charge, sadly people were going to die.

    Lots of people died from the flu while her and her porno husband were on watch.

  3. She’s right. It’s Trump’s fault.

  4. I think she's a crook, She's 100 percent correct about this. And it will be way past 100,000 when it ever ends.
    This will be Trumps legacy, no matter what else he might do, unless he finds more trouble..

  5. the TDS is strong in this one!

  6. What a vile nasty fat failure. We are the best country in the world because this loser was kicked off the stage by Candidate Trump. I just can’t say enough about how lucky we are that we choose him and never even considered that crook. That thang is a one man (?) crime show. Shut up and go away with your bad ugly self.

  7. Yeah, Hillary Clinton is the one to talk to when you want a decision involving saving lives.🙄

  8. Epstein didn't kill himself

  9. Hilliary should be in jail for her abandonment of our Benghazi team!

    If anyone in the universe should be told to STFU...it should be this beeeyotch!

  10. LOL anything to attempt to make herself relevant. The 2 time loser rapist and serial sexual assaulter enabler needs to go and service her cigar inserter husband.

  11. It became Trump's watch after Clinton could not qualify for the job.

  12. Hillary, no one is listening, stop babbling.

  13. Blame democrats for wanting to leave the country open and dem's bashing Trump for wanting to shut down travel in and out of the country.

  14. Room to rent: Epstein Island. Inquire within.

  15. So there is a world wide pandemic that started in communist China, and it's Trumps fault? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

    You stupid dimmycraps are stupid beyond belief.

  16. Obama's Watch !!! Pelosi's Watch !!!

  17. 5:51 The worldwide pandemic is not Trump's fault. The initial denial that a crisis existed followed by the lack of a coordinated response by our federal government and the resulting unnecessarily high loss of American lives are Trump's fault.

  18. What if the Clinton's and China colluded to release COVID?!?

  19. From one perspective that could be true; a Clinton administration would have hopped right back into the sack with China and continued to sell us out, more than likely no pandemic that resulted from their dirty, evil, underhanded response to the Trump resistance.

  20. Its all on China!! they knew it was contagious and lied to the world with the help of the W.H.O.... remember Pelosi in Chinatown back in febuary telling everyone to come out its safe.. Trump puts in a travel ban on China and the Democrats called him racist!! we just wasn't ready as a nation for this.. Its sad that many people have died but if not for the Presidents leadership many more would have died.. We had the best economy ever going, more people working then ever before.. 2020 would have been the best year yet..but no- thank China!! that's where the blame belongs not anyone in the U.S.A. and damm sure not our President!!


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