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Friday, May 08, 2020

Officer bodyslams a woman in Walmart 'for refusing to wear a mask'

A police officer in Alabama body-slammed a woman inside a Walmart store after she allegedly refused to wear a face mask.

The alarming scene unfolded inside a store in the Roebuck neighborhood ofBirmingham, Alabama, onTuesday.

A resident who captured the the incident on her cell phone said the situation quickly spiraled out of control when the woman would not wear a face mask.



  1. Birmingham....uh ok.

  2. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 8:59 AM

    Lets see, body slammed over a freaking face mask? Body slammed a women? So, I can only assume she was carrying a deadly weapon? No? Oh, then she must have been holding a hostage? No? Oh yeah, so she was dripping sweat from a fever, and coughing uncontrollably? NO?....Oh well, Obviously Just another cop with a complex! Ya know, its PUNKS like THAT cop that make it hard to give the GOOD cops the respect they deserve!!!....disgusting

    1. Her uncontrollable behavior is why she was body slammed

    2. I agree with you Dawg, he should have slammed the one with all the mouth. What I want to know is why mention in the article , white, black and brown. It must be disappointing that the uniformed guy appears to be “black”. No worries, this won’t be seen or heard of much because this dude isn’t white enough to complain about. Move along now.

    3. The media needs division because if the people are united the politicians have less power

  3. Then taser her.

  4. My mask is the filthiest thing I own, and I'll no longer wear it. And i'm carrying.

  5. 10:14 What's the purpose of the last three words in your comment? You saying you'll shoot a police officer? By the way, you carrying legally? Asshole.

    The rest of the story the article provided didn't give:

    "The woman, who was not publicly identified, was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and other alleged crimes, police in Birmingham said.

    Sgt. Rod Mauldin said the incident occurred Tuesday at a Walmart in a Birmingham shopping district.

    The woman became upset after a store employee asked her to wear a face covering as a coronavirus protection before entering, Mauldin said in a statement. She refused and became “disorderly,” yelling expletives at customers and employees, he said.

    When the woman refused to leave, the officer, who has not been identified and was working for the store at the time, tried to detain her, Mauldin said."

    So it seems the woman was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing and when she resisted being arrested, the off-duty police officer put her on the ground to facilitate her being handcuffed. And again boys and girls, if a police officer says the magic words, "You're under arrest", that's not an invitation that you can debate or refuse. One way or another you're going for a ride.

    1. At 10:38 a.m., my sentiments exactly :)

  6. I warned y'all this would happen. All this hype over a bad cold?

  7. 10:14...why don't you "carry" your filthy mask over to the washing machine, drop it inside, and wash the damn thing...

  8. Correct 944
    If half the people knew how many “crazy” people officers had to deal with on a daily basis they would not be so
    quick to judge.

  9. I’m pretty sure freedom means not being “controlled”.

    Either we are free or we aren’t.

  10. 11:25 your to be controlled, seperated spy on, subjected to luciferican idealigies, so according to the facist invaders among the populace we are not free..they will stomp your face to ensure your dont go along with the new world order

  11. Did I read that masks were "suggested" by Wal-Mart not required like Costco. The Walmart I use use 1 person sitting outside counting the number of people centering and exiting. No one has ever been stopped. Cleaning shopping carts does not exist and masks are not required. I live in Sarasota Florida. Why the difference in other States.

  12. No, she got body slammed because of how she was treating the employees with cursing and screaming and refusing to leave.

  13. Why did she think she was so special that she didn't have to abide by the rules? Black privilege?

  14. Have him arrested for assault and sue him.


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